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The OYOA Whiteboard

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
A lot of people email or post as to what we are going to hunt, where, weapon type, etc.

Here is what the white board looks like after speaking with sponsors, the production company, listening and reading what was posted on Hunt Talk, and a few of my own personal dream hunts.

I am sure all of you have something similar, either on paper, or in your mind. We need three archery hunts and seven rifle hunts. You can see in brackets, how many of each species we are targeting for Season Four.

It is a pretty fluid scoreboard, as if I draw a sheep tag anywhere, something else is gonna get dumped. And, we never know how many of which tag we end up with. Sometimes the fallback options fall by the wayside when I, or some Hunt Talker, draws a better tag. This year, some of the fallback options got exercised.


With Wyoming and Arizona already in the mail, now it is on to Utah and New Mexico. Then Colorado and Nevada. Wonder if they really issue any NR moose tags in Idaho, or if they just have suckers like me applying all the time and buying one of those non-refundable licenses in pursuit of false hope?.
Pretty cool and messy all at once.

Idaho must give out a couple non-res moose tags a year based on the phone calls I start getting in mid summer. The best bull I had my hands on this fall was killed by a non-res who put in a ton of time and passed on some pretty good ones.

Shoulda been a CPA ,,,,,,If you need any help to pack out all those animals, give me a call:hump:
All of my hunts for next year can fit on a sticky note! :eek:

It consist of:
just out of curiosity why do you have 3 archery hunts and seven rifle? just curious
just out of curiosity why do you have 3 archery hunts and seven rifle? just curious

The show is titled Federal Premium's On Your Own Adventures. Since Federal makes bullets and not arrows, they ask us to keep it between 2 to 4 archery episodes per year.

They are a great company who realizes the cross over between archers and rifle hunters.

I know that if you needed a "fall back" archery hunt SD does unlimited tags for NR in a lot of their districts from what I could tell. I am actually headed that way myself in late October.

Well after looking at the board again looks like you have enough fall back hunts, just an idea. I'm sure after 3 seasons though you guys all have a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn't work.

Thanks for a great show and forum. Looking forward to season 3.
Randy, I have a paper hanging over my computer that looks very much like your white board. The fun has already started with Arizona and Wyoming, between 14 states and several different deadlines within each state I have been very busy trying to figure out what units or hunts to put in for.

My wife asked the other day what my plans were for the fall and I had to tell her once agian that my plans cannot be finalized until the middle of the summer. I have one hunt planned for the middle of Oct for deer and elk on Santa Rosa island and other than that I will be praying to the draw gods!

Good luck to all in the draws!

Looks like another full year for the OYOA crew. Now that I'm out of KS points I imagine you'll find a better looking and better shooting amigo. :)

I do have several Iowa points in case you need to "borrow" some.

It's going to be a great year for a lot of Hunttalkers I'm sure.
I'm putting in for my bull moose tag this year in Idaho. I hope as a resident I can draw but the IDF&G met over the weekend and have yet to publish the new numbers. I figured I should put in while I can.
Pretty sweet score board.

Not seeing many AK's up there. Maybe thats a good thing? :D

Maybe. ;)

There is one more possible AK hunt than what is shown. If the hunt I expect for mid-August doesn't happen, the replacement is AK Sitka Blacktails. I expect that mid-August hunt to come through, so not planning on AK deer for this year.

And next year, regardless of what tags are drawn, Sitka Blacktails are on the docket. It might even be an archery hunt, depending upon how stupid I want to be.
I would really like to see an AZ coues hunt, hope you draw a rut hunt if that is what you are going for.
One of my favorite threads yet. Really neat to get an inside glimpse of how you plan your upcoming year/shows. At the same time, it could be a prairie dog hunt North of Medora and I sit my butt down and watch every minute of the show!

Thanks again for the insider access to "FINWORLD".
Fin - No Mt Goat except for your home state? I imagine that might be somewhat of a difficult hunt to film.

Curious, what do you estimate you spend for license, tags and applications each year?
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