NEW SITKA Ambient 75

The Favorite Grandparent


Well-known member
May 10, 2010
Boise, Idaho
And it IS NOT me.

Wife took the grandsons fishing on Tuesday as their last before school started yesterday.
Took them to a pond in town to see if they could catch some planters. Having the attention spans of nats they hooked one and were able to release. They talked gram into taking them to the river to fish. Again, their brains wandered and ended up just playing in the water. Youngest grandson decided he wanted to make a Huck Finn pole to catch a fish with. Gram cut him a willow, he stripped it down and she helped him tie some line, weight and hook on.
He climbed a tree hanging out over a hole and straddled a branch and dropped the line in and started jigging it up and down. Bam! Fish on! Kid is now up in the tree with a fish and no way to land it. Luckily gram came to the rescue with her net and saved the day, getting wet in the course of landing the fish for him. Couple of fishermen were walking by and totally amazed at the events and the fact it was a grandma and not a grandpa fishing with two young boys. That ended the fishing day because he wanted to get it home and into the fridge so his mom could cook it for him that night. He is keeping his prized pole for next year and will only fish with it, so he says.
Both boys had to call gramps that night seperately to recall the days events and remind Pop Pop how cool their grandma is.
NEW Sitka Ambient 75

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