The Eland

Aspen Hill Farm

New member
Jun 22, 2001
This is a photo of my eland bull taken last year in South Africa. They are amazingly agile for a big beast. It is one of the spiral horned antelope. This was the first animal I shot in South Africa.


I am in the midst of planning for my return hunt this year!
I think they are the largest antelope. I believe there are a few varities or differnt species of eland but I do not know them all.

My PH is in the photo with me. We had a very long stalk on this animal as there was very little cover where the herd was. Lots of small shrubs with a few, here and there, that were decent for cover. He was hanging out with a large mixed herd of eland. That meant lots of eyes and they are quite alert. There was a bit of a roll to the land so we had to use it to our advantage. Several times the stalk got blown due to all the "eyes" but eventually we got in about 70 yards away and I dropped him with one shot with my 30.06. I had 180 grain Noslers and hit him square in the heart on a quartering away shot. He actually staggered a few steps then dropped.

Dinner was eland tenderloin, best venison I've ever eaten.

I'd say it was a good three hour stalk. Afterwards, due to morning coffee I was in need of a local ladies room so I took off looking for suitable cover. On my way I heard a distinct PPPSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhh! sound. I froze right there on the spot. I had been told the night before what makes that sound and I knew it was somewhere near my right foot in the tangly low shrubs. For quite some time I searched and kept hearing the sound. I could not see where it was! You see, the puff adder makes that noise and it is LOUD! After a spell the guys saw me standing there and yelled at me..."What the hell are you doing?!" And I told them an adder had me pinned down as I could not see it.

Well, that brought on an avalanche of running men which the snake must have felt as it finally moved and that's when I saw it. She was approximately nine inches away from my foot wrapped around a shrub. Well within striking range but it's head was facing away from me. I sure wish I had got a photo of it!
They are not only the largest antelope in the world, they are about the best eating member of the antelope family. I just got back the shoulder mount of an eland my son took 18 months ago, and it is too big for the foyer! Anybody interested in this mount? Brand new...with 20" horns (24" around the spiral). Thought I'd mention it here first before you see it on e-bay. :(
Knock the ceiling out to make it fit. Or you could just get another house to fit around the heads!!! :D
Nobody asked but I'll post this anyway, its kind of interesting. I have a friend, Robert, who's trying to make a living being a hunting guide here in Texas. He has a special on an eland right now. Its $2535 total, once you're here, $400 for two days guiding with food, $2100 for the eland, and $35 for an out of state liscense.

Apparently the eland are so big they are tearing up stuff on this ranch. This is a reduced price to get them out of there and stop the damage. It sounds like these people's ranch set up is too small to handle eland very well, so its on special. Here's Robert's web page

Sometimes people down here get big animals like this because they are so attractive and then they discover the animals have really big needs too.
Tom, that's a pretty darn good price because African exotics in Texas are usually VERY expensive. In fact it is usually less money to fly to Africa and hunt the animal there. You know those wild gemsbok running around in New Mexico? Well, if you live out of state you might as well fly to the Kalahari 'cause it will cost less to get one there!

Due to the size of this animal I am having a skull mount done and it's hide tanned to leather and I will have a garment made (Jacket) or seat cushions for my dining room chairs.
I paid $900 for that eland. It was taken on a property in east central Texsas about 2 hours NW of Houston. It was a 3 year old bull, and there were older ones on the property for the same price. Meat hunts on this ranch were as low as $750 last year. Of course they have over 150 eland on the place and they are glad to get rid of them, as they can be destructive - what do excpect from an antelope that is almost as big as a Brahma bull. :eek:
Raveneaux, Can you tell us how to contact the $750-$900 eland place?

Ann, Good idea, skull mount and tanned items. That was your first animal in Africa? So, you have more pictures to show? Glad the snake didn't get you!
Tom - the place is the Camp Cooley Ranch and they were running cow eland specials last summer for $750. I hunted the place in October of '00 and my son took a 3 year old bull for $900 (I think)... I also shot an SCI book Wildebeest for $1600, but that price was a "once in a lifetime". Try for details. I think the owners wife Susan handle the hunts now and I don't know what the prices will be this summer.
Tom, I spent 6 weeks there last year and hunted in Namibia and South Africa. Plans this year call for 6 or 7 more weeks and hopefully I will get into Mozambique and possibly Zimbabwe. I am for sure going to be in South Africa again and on the menu is bushbuck, nyala, bushpig, more warthogs, caracal, grey rhebok, duiker, more gemsbok, baboons, hyena, and what ever else I can afford. I am hoping for a black wildebeest too.

I have a good photo of a waterbuck I shot last year and I will make a new thread for him.

There are some EXCELLENT deals out there available to hunt this year if you are looking for a trip. Prices got real good with the terrorist troubles because people are not too interested in flying. They won't last so don't wait.

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