Caribou Gear

The Boss whats to Play


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2007
Gaithersburg Md
2 weeks ago Jacob my 16 yr old and I set up on him and if we didn't move 100 yards to the top of the ridge he would have been in our laps. Last weekend he played all around the area but never gobbled. I get a call this morning for the land owner and he said if he had his shot gun insted of his CB he would have had him but couldn't close the deal. I have Friday and Saturday mornings to work on him. This bird is setting up in tall pines on the top of a ridge looking over a 40 acre pond. I thinking of setting up on a small beach that is close to the woods and a short drop down for him. I guess I'll see if he like to go to the beach if so I will tan his hyde. LO

I want to set up along the edge of the field somewhere from the White Beach in the center to the back field.
Opening weekend their were 6 Toms gobbling around the point accross from the beach That is where the boss is making his stand.

Dave Good luck.. If ya ever need a tag along give me a call. Never been turkey hunting and sure would like to see how it's done:D
Good luck! Hope you whack him!
I have found that birds that like to set up on a ridge side, like to glide down up hill to minimize noise. Then they usually move downhill.
The Boss played me good !

There is aways next weekend LOL

Serious, the birds were off the property and I only heard 2 Toms and both were on the other side of the lake. I pick up and charged for the other side but to my surprize the bevers have been working on their dam and the creek is now about 12' wide and who knows how deep, so I was cut short of my hunt.

RR lets pan something. I know when VA season is over but not sure about Md.

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