Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

The blood hound did me proud again!!!!


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Well it was a fast Muzzel loader weekend for sure! Friday i woke up and the weather was NASTY. Told the wife that if school closed to bring the boy with her and i would leave early and take half an attendance point. Well, on the way to work it seemed there was no way i would make it in time and i was going to get 1/2 point for that alone, and if i left early it would be a full point so.... I turned around and called in a personal day. I was checking the radar and it seemed if i could just get 60 miles west i would be good to go so off we went. Plan worked out great and we only made the usual 3hour 15 minute trip in about 4 hours. We got up there, got dressed up, Loaded up the smoke pole and headed out to the pop up blind and fired up the Mr Heater. 20 minutes later i was getting the "can we go back to the trailer" line. " No, we have to stay until dark, just 45 minutes more" Well 30 minutes later i looked out the back window and a doe and fawn were feeding our way. I made sure the boy got a good look, waited until she turned a bit and took her between the shoulder and chest. The smoke cleared and i saw her running and stumble a bunch. I threw the door open and got the bloodhound on her trail. He did me proud! He only needed a few hints and direction changes to do the 55 yard track but he did that last 20 yards on his own. Like a dipshit i left the camera back at the camper so i had the boy wait at the kill and i hustled back just as light was fading. he was a little scared because i scared a bunch (I mean a chitload) of turkeys out of the roost and they went right at his direction and he got a little spooked with all the noise in the fading light. We got back home today, even though i have a buck tag left i accomplished my main goal yesterday.
Here is my Bloodhound!!


Check this out, It appears i was sitting in the wrong spot on opening day of the rifle season. I checked the camera today for the first time and if you look good you see the pop up blind we were sitting in this yesterday in the background, this was noon on the opener..
Schmalts!! Would'nt you know it? That buck had your number and adjusted his watch! Congrats on the doe, and be sure to tell your son that sitting around for hours while nearly freezing to death BUILDS CHARACTER!!! At least that what I keep telling myself. Dave
Good story! Looking forward to those types of days in a few years! That is one leggy buck.