The best excuse


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Just a completely hypothetical question but lets see who can come up with the best excuse to this dilema:

Lets say you applied for a limited tag, we'll say a sheep tag for argument, for 20 plus years. You have all summer to scout, you dont really work in the summer either, but lets just say you do have a real job and 3 weeks vacation. You own horses, know some truly good outfitters in your sheep area and can get great info. You supposedly have photos of a 200 inch ram you took earlier in the summer. The hunt is all but over because you spent one week to scout, and all your available weekends and have 2 weeks to hunt plus weekends if you dont score in the 2 weeks.

Now the question: What excuse would you have for shooting a small sheep and why would you if you had a 200 incher all scoped out?
I was so focussed on nailing the 200 incher, I didn't notice that other one walking in front of him through the scope. There were rams all over the place and I had to shoot before they took off. How's that?
" there was Jim Beam waiting at the house and It meant more to me than any damn sheep!"

"I had a trophy Cow truck hunt to go get ready for, had to get the rig gassed up and the windshield cleaned for good spot and ride trophy cow hunting"

"D-mper shot the wrong one, I pointed at the other one"

"My boy had a court date on another damn DWI charge and I had to go make bail for him"

" I ain't used to this scouting shit, if it can't be shot from the seat of a ford, who cares how big it is anyway"

"I already got one bigger than that on winter range, so why have two big ones?"

..hell Buzz, I would use any one of these excuses, they all are good ones......

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-18-2002 14:35: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
How about.... these:

1) I had an appointment with the manicurist in Rawlins!

2) I must've been looking backwards through my scope.

3) Objects in mirror are actually "smaller" than they appear!
is there a prize for this contest????here's my entry.......

if i killed a big sheep, Buzz wouldnt be able to start this thread.....he would be forced to try to start a thread about hunting....he would be speechless.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-19-2002 08:05: Message edited by: J.B. ]</font>
I been tellig my wifes for years that 4 inchs is 10 inchs, and I was too drunk to shoot, so I told her to shoot the 200 incher, and she thought I ment the small one.
I don't really use excuses, except that I usually take the first leagle animal that walks in front of me and call it a trophy...I would like to head hunt, but never have!!! :D
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