The "back east" remark

Jack O'Conner

New member
Jan 11, 2003
Black Hawk, SD
I apologize for stepping on any eastern hunters toes. The term about someone from "back east" is typically a critisizm about the hurried urban lifestyle.

Urban dwellers have different values and habits than rural people. Different is neither bad nor good. Different is just a word that means dis-similar.

But plenty of eastern hunters are from rural areas. Still lots of rural country remaining in those states east of the Mt. Time Zone. I once hunted with a very good rifle shot who hailed from Arkansas. I've also known Pennsylvanians and Michiganers who could use a rifle quite well.

Instead of dividing hunters by geography, I'd rather appreciate each for his value to this sport we love. Again, I apologize for being unfriendly.
Thanks...I think
Jack , I never took offense I just wanted some clarification.

I agree that you are right that the majority of city dwellers are dissimaler than rural dwellers.
However not all city slickers are that way. Some people live where the work is. No choice in that. But their hearts and souls belong to the woods and the countryside where there is no dang concrete.
So please at least do not include me with the other urban dwellers who dont understand what it is like to be in God's country.
Jack, you can't get any further east than where I live. I live less than 2 miles from the Atlantic Ocean. And I didn't take any offense. I knowed what ya meant.