T Bone
Well-known member
here is the group in traditional California hunting gear. L to R. Tyson,Keith,Dan,Rick,Chopper
Safari wagon
Safari wagon around the ranch
Tim's pig
This is the water hole I sat on during the day. Note fresh mud wallow
Dan's boar that died of cardiac arrest
My boar after taking two 180 grain Interlocks through the vitals. Note: still very much alive!
My boar after taking a .357 158 grain to the head.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-12-2002 13:37: Message edited by: T Bone ]</font>

Safari wagon

Safari wagon around the ranch

Tim's pig

This is the water hole I sat on during the day. Note fresh mud wallow

Dan's boar that died of cardiac arrest

My boar after taking two 180 grain Interlocks through the vitals. Note: still very much alive!

My boar after taking a .357 158 grain to the head.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-12-2002 13:37: Message edited by: T Bone ]</font>