Sitka Pre Season Savings

SW New Mexico/Gila Conditions?


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2015
As I am pre-packing (e.g. scattering crap all over the garage and basement and generally annoying my wife) to leave Tuesday for my 16C elk hunt - have been looking for recent weather reports in the Gila. Haven't seen much except that a good storm blew through yesterday. Long term forecast is pretty warm with isolated thunder.

Anyone who's been down there have any road/water/mud reports to share?

Can hardly wait. I have to say I am NOT looking forward to 11 hours in the vehicle each way - but I know that's about half of what a lot of you drive to hunt so can't complain too much.
I have about a 23 hour drive from here in the Poconos. I love it.....

Good luck on your hunt.
Have a hunt this next week also. Scouted in early September. Very green, but not very much water around. Ground was hard and dry. They have had some rain since then. Talked to a friend who was up there 2 weeks ago. About the same as early September. Weather should be warm with cool nights. Rain and muddy roads should not be a problem.
60-70's daytime,30-40's nights. Not much rain in forecast this week. Good food & water year.
Elk were screaming all night last night here at my place. I'm 25 mi north of C.
60-70's daytime,30-40's nights. Not much rain in forecast this week. Good food & water year.
Elk were screaming all night last night here at my place. I'm 25 mi north of C.

Sounds terrible ; )....lucky dawg.
Thanks guys.

Hank - that's really encouraging. I was expecting sporadic bugles by this time, nice to hear they're still firing off. It's going to be a little surreal toting a rifle in archery weather.

I'm not sure how many mapping applications I've loaded up with waypoints from e-scouting and my brief time on the ground in 16C this August, but it's a lot. My GE map is more yellow pins than anything else. Mentally - I'm ready to eat the tag if I have to. I printed a picture of a 330-ish bull from the unit and stuck it in my pack pocket for memory/motivation.