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Sunny and 75


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2017
Sure wish there was a nice cool front to get the deer moving. Instead it’s warm and the herps are out. Warm south wind rolling through the swamp. Carrying with it the sounds of people cheering watching big the foosball game from their porches. At .75 miles I’m surprised how far the sound can carry through the woods.

While I’m not optimistic the deer will move from their beds before dark the snakes and frogs are taking advantage of the weather. I was going to hunt this evening on the same cypress knoll the second cotton mouth was on. He did enough bluff strikes to help me choose a different spot




I’d rather walk into the octagon with sirloin steak trunks to face a mt. Lion, mamma grizzly and her 2 cubs; rather than walk with in 200 yards of that cotton mouth, or any other snake
Awesome pics! The tree frog’s camo is really cool. I’d give those snakes a wide berth. They look a notch crankier than a prairie rattler.
Both can kill you but I’ll let y’all have the snakes. I’ll take bears over snakes and spiders.
Awesome pics! The tree frog’s camo is really cool. I’d give those snakes a wide berth. They look a notch crankier than a prairie rattler.

The tree frog is pretty cool. Only found him when I pressed the palm of my hand against tree for balance while going through swamp and felt something cold and wet move. Scared me just as bad as the snakes.
While everyone is commenting on the snakes I think the worst thing about this post is it’s been in the 70s in Louisiana the whole dang week of Christmas! It kills my holiday cheer to sweat and swat mosquitoes when I’m trying to hunt! Most snakes I ignore and walk on by, that particular model usually gets sent to its maker if its in my path. If it’s off to the side where I’m not passing back through they get ignored too. Feel free to fact check me guys but I’m pretty sure more people are getting whacked by the grizzlies lately that these lil ol snakes!
@KipCarson I expected the mosquitoes to be terrible but only had to turn on the thermacell when I sat down for the evening hunt. Really just bad enough to keep from being still it thermacell wasn’t on.

My dad has torn his bicep killing a snake. The only person I know bitten by a moccasin was trying to kill it. I like to have bs hippie thoughts that if I don’t mess with them they won’t mess me with. Plus it’s too efforting just finding a good killing stick in the swamp.
I like to have bs hippie thoughts that if I don’t mess with them they won’t mess me with. Plus it’s too efforting just finding a good killing stick in the swamp.
Agreed. An old man once told me, “I know they’ll most likely never hurt me but I sure hurt myself try trying to get away!”
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