Sucess in OHio (Wolves get a deer)


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
Sucess in OHio (Martin's first buck)

Story and more pics later. Taking the meat to processor

The red dot is where the buck was when the boys shot.

The yellow arrow is where the deer is still standing after the shot

The pink arrow is where it when and expired


Here it is where we found it


The pic with the hat

Well I had a long story typed and my net service cut out on me. |oo

Short story now.

We spooked a doe walking into the field.

Codie sees another deer.

I become a rock on the ground

Both boys shoot same time.

We get deer in 30 minutes total.

Martin tags it since the entrance wounds are side by side.

Both boys are going to Halloween dances tonight.
Nut said:
Well I had a long story typed and my net service cut out on me. |oo

Short story now.

We spooked a doe walking into the field.

Codie sees another deer.

I become a rock on the ground

Both boys shoot same time.

We get deer in 30 minutes total.

Martin tags it since the entrance wounds are side by side.

Both boys are going to Halloween dances tonight.

Better version

The morning started a tad later than planned but we got out. We went to a friends land where there was a shot at a doe. It was a clean miss since I saw the dirt kick up in front of it. The son that missed understood why it happened(he shut his eyes when he shot) and we moved on.

We go to the public lands and decide to walk into a area. As we go down we see plenty of scrapes.All of a sudden a doe busts us and leaves. TurkeyEye decides to walk down a bit anyways. He sees another deer and we all crouch. As the deer works its way toward us I am told to get down further. SoI lay down and become a rock. They wait until the deer getsclear and broad side and they both end up firing at the same time.(my fault for not deciding who got the shot). The pic shows how it went from there.

The entrance wounds from the 2 shots are side by side. The boys decide that Martin(LittleNut)is the one to get credit for the deer. Then one of the best moments a Dad could hope for happens. We all are hugging each other at the same time.
Nice little buck they got Nut. That is going to be some tasty meat for all of you. Enjoy! Glad you were there to enjoy the moment with them.
Right after the deer went into the cover I was shaking like mad. Heck I had left my muzzleloader in the vehicle and this was way more fun than anything I could do or even watching anything a adult did. This deer to me is way more impressive than many others posted on the site.

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