Successful opening weekend pics


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
I almost got my wish opening day, but choked big time. I have always wanted to shoot a limit of 5 mallard drakes and a drake canvasback. Well things were looking good, I was covered up in ducks all morning, but was passing on dozens of gadwall and wigeon. I had 4 mallard drakes in the bag and was going for my 5th. Four flew over and I picked the closest one. Boom, bird drops, dog released and then he comes back with a mallard hen.

Last year I took 22 drakes and no hens. First day of 2003 and I drop a hen, crap. then for a little salt in the wound, along comes a bull Can. I drop it, but the hen takes away from the whole day.

No digitals from the field, but here is a shot of the real worker and our limit.

Day two I take out a buddy. Not sure if he will join me again. I force him up at 4:30 so we can be at the lauch two hours before shooting light (gotta beat everyone else out to my spot). Later I find out no one even launched from this ramp, oops.

Not as many birds today, but still lots of opportunities. Downside is 80% of the birds are shovelors and I told my partner a shovelor equals a six pack.

The mallard flight never arrived so we called it a day after three hours. I ended up with 5 ducks and a bonus canada and my buddy took 4 ducks and 2 geese.

I did not take any goose decoys, so we really lucked out on the honkers.

Here is a shot of the birds from day 2.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Not sure if he will join me again. I force him up at 4:30 so we can be at the lauch two hours before shooting light (gotta beat everyone else out to my spot). Later I find out no one even launched from this ramp, oops. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hell Miller... I'd dam near Drive to your Place for a Hunt like that !!!

Kudos on the birds MAN !!

Whats a "along comes a bull Can. "
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Whats a "along comes a bull Can. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry, just a little of my duck slang. Bull Can is a male canvasback.

Sounds like you did well also. Hope to see some pics soon.
Take some Closeup Pics of jsut the Birds next time And Share them with me. Although I like your Mug, I really want to see the Birds too

PS, Is that the Lucky Waterfowl hat

Damit here you go again on another adventure.
Is there anything you don't hunt.....
Hey cool pics congrats.
Keepem comin