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SUccessful in Utah...yeh baby

Are you talking about the license that you had to buy or the Henry's tag that is on it's way?
Are you talking about the license that you had to buy or the Henry's tag that is on it's way?

You need a tag for the Henry's? I just took two dandy bucks out of there last month. Well the antlers anyway, the carcasses were too big for my four-wheeler.
SWEET!! I can rat you out, get $5k and my choice of another $1k or a Henry's tag for next year. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Would anyone honestly take $1k over a Henry's tag?

Actually that is why I shot two bucks. I get the money and the tag. Me a thinker.
White Russian is what he was drinking the last time I was with him...

If that is what he was drinking that makes both of you gay......

I know he likes red wine, but then he drinks the stuff in his Sandals, and when my wife saw a picture of him she said he looked like the actor who was in the "passion of Christ" movie. What the hell, does Miller think he is Jesus?
Cripes, I skipped hunting today because it is -7. Appears the elements would have been less harsh.:D

White Russian, never had one. Sapphire/tonic, now that's another story.;)

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