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Stuff On Ebay

George P

New member
Jan 11, 2001
rochester N.H. usa
Have you guys ever checked out some of the stuff for sale on ebay? I just went into the taxidermy area.It is unreal whats for sale.I think you could sell any part of any animal there.What got me thinking was seeing some of the skulls for sale.I dont know about you guys but we usually throw away most skulls.Unless of course its a big bear or something.I just saw a bobcat skull for sale.the bidding was at about $20 with still over a day left on the auction.The last day is when the prices normally go up the most.What do you think of that?
Tobey there are all kinds of untanned hides for sale too.Especially beaver.You might make out better there than at the auctions for some of them.I am registered on there if you want to try and sell one Tobey to see how it goes.Just let me know and I will sell it from here and have you ship it out.
What's the Webb address??I would like to look this over.I have about 6 bobcat carcasses here with the skulls still on.I save the cat meat for fox and coyote bait during fall trapping.any interest in coyote hides?