Strange animals off bait site camera....


New member
Nov 24, 2003
I have bears hitting my bait but not enough yet. The night time photos dont turn out right. I am going to have to move it as when the flash goes off it has nothing behind it to make it flash back. Second roll with bears but not good enough to scan them. I am going to move it over the bait next time up there.
Anyways I was going in today and found a eagle feather lying on the ground and thought that was wierd. So I pulled my film and got them developed. And I got a eagle on my trail cam photos. I had to crop them and enlarge them. Figured it would be cool to show you all.
Does anyone know if this is a golden eagle or a bald eagle?
Here are the pics.

SS, that is a Golden Eagle. You can tell by the blonde feathers on the back of his neck. Immature Bald Eagles have immature white under feathers that seem to stick out all over their body making them look like their molting and kinda trashed.
In the canyon where I have shot a couple of elk, lives some eagles and they are not shy about coming to my kill sites. It's awesome to get close to them while there on the ground and watch them try to take off in the forest...big birds.