Still more reasonably good news from the Bush admin


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
From the Outdoor Wire: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>USDA Secretary Veneman Sets Meeting with Pheasants Forever

Pheasants Forever Applauds Bush Administration's Recent Conservation-Friendly Announcements

Contact Dave Nomsen
Bob St.Pierre

ST. PAUL, Minn. (December 18, 2003) - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Ann M. Veneman has accepted Pheasants Forever's request for a meeting to discuss recommendations for improving the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The meeting, set for the middle of January, follows last week's White House meeting between President Bush, Pheasants Forever CEO Howard Vincent, and representatives from the nation's leading wildlife conservation organizations in which President Bush and Secretary Veneman expressed their strong support for CRP. Secretary Veneman and Under Secretary Mark Rey acknowledged and agreed to Pheasants Forever's request for further discussions about CRP during the White House meeting.

Pheasants Forever requested the meeting with Secretary Veneman in a letter dated December 4, 2003. In that letter, Pheasants Forever expressed concerns with last year's 26th general CRP sign-up, Farm Service Agency management policies, and changes made to wetland enrollment regulations. Pheasants Forever has been extensively involved in farm bill policy and implementation since the non-profit conservation organization's inception in 1982. Similarly, Pheasants Forever has been a key supporter of the original CRP since 1985 and its subsequent reauthorizations in 1996 and 2002.

"We are very pleased with Secretary Veneman's willingness to set up this CRP discussion," said Dave Nomsen, Pheasants Forever vice president of governmental affairs, while in Washington D.C. to set up the CRP meeting. "We have been impressed with the entire administration's follow-through from last week's White House meeting."

On Tuesday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers announced that they would not issue a new rule ceding federal Clean Water Act jurisdiction over isolated wetlands. That decision will assist the Bush administration's policy of "no net loss" of wetlands.

On Wednesday, Secretary Veneman announced the release of a proposed rule for the Conservation Security Program (CSP). CSP is designed to reward the best conservation stewards on the nation's farms and ranches, while also encouraging similar actions by others, in priority watersheds.

"This has been a big week for conservation-minded sportsmen and sportswomen," added Howard Vincent, Pheasants Forever CEO. "The Clean Water Act announcement is huge news across the prairie pothole region in the heart of pheasant country. Likewise, CSP has the potential to be a tremendous program complimenting CRP and WRP [Wetland Reserve Program]. And, we are obviously excited to talk about our favorite program, CRP, with the Secretary and senior USDA officials. We applaud the Bush administration's actions to move forward and we recognize all of these decisions as opportunities for Pheasants Forever to deliver conservation to the land. This has been an important week for all interested in soil, water, air, wildlife, and conservation."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>MY OPINION: At first blush I like that reward program for "good stewards." I would like to see the criteria for determining who gets the honor, though.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-23-2003 07:53: Message edited by: dgibson ]</font>
I was wondering that also dg. That could leave a lot of room open for interpretation or the good 'ol boy network. I just hope the administration keeps it up and isn't just using this to get something worse passed.
Just kidding...I changed the topic slug to see if I could get any more interest. Bush-bashing, ATV's and salmon runs are the only thing to get any play these days.
D. G.,

That was a naughty joke, just like Madame Albrights joke (yea right) was in poor taste. You should be ashamed of yourself! If IT or Gunner died of a heart attack after reading this, would you be able to live with yourself?

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