Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Still another beheading

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
What do you think? Will we wuss out like the Spanish did after the train bombings, and give up - or will the continued barbarity of the terrorists just piss us off? Me - I'm just getting more convinced that we need to deal with these animals in a manner they will understand. :mad: But I am not sure that the majority of our citizens have the cojones...
Calif. Hunter....Paul Johnson family lives less than a mile from my house. They are over on Stage Road behind the Acme. I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. Some of the locals are quite vocal and in the past have been true to their threats.
Aside from my usual BS:

My heart goes out to the family of Paul Johnson and that Korean man's family. There is nothing to be gained by the rabid b*st*rds for heinous acts such as this. I say if they like it so damned much, lets take all those SOB's we're holding captive and strangle them (Strangulation is against their laws, I believe)...then bury them in a pigskin to insure that they go to he77. They become martyrs if you nuke them or kill them in a civilized fashion...only when they are spiritually defiled does their death cease to be celebrated as a martyr's death

Now, back to my usual BS:

I know I'm a bad influence...but if I was in that position of being captive, knowing fully well that there would be no way out with these a'holes, I would do my best to convince them that if they killed me, I would get to the 72 virgins before they did and there would be nothing left for them...I mean...what nice upstanding Islamic dude wants to be with 72 former virgins after they've been ravaged by a pork eating, foul mouthed, overweight, captalist, American Biker/Hunter Swine who wears size 14 shoes? :eek:

Reckon they'd get their turbans in a wad???
Get used to this. We are going to start seeing this happen quite often unfortuanately. I think this will actually harden our resolve not soften it. The only folks who will want to pull up stakes are the whiny wimps over at DU, but these folks would run away from a mouse fart. CNN.com has a poll right now that asking if its ok to torture these scumbags and it is 60% in favor of doing what we need to do.

The next couple of months are going to be pretty tuff.
My opinion is that if you wallow with the hogs, you are bound to get a little muddy. To hell with this "Queensbury Rules" type warfare. These b*st*rds are out of the dark ages. They only understand cave man tactics. I say whatever it takes to get their arses subdued and under control. If they have to be beaten (or tortured) until they cry like little girls, so be it. It's a hell of a lot more humane than they would afford to anyone else. Remember the guy who got into deep crap over firing a gun in the close proximity of the Afghani's head to get information he needed to prevent a whole patrol of troops from being wiped out? I say he did the right thing!

I do not, however, hold with sexual abuse or degradation of that type. To do that makes us no better than the animals we are at war against.

I'm with Del on this one :mad:
Give each one of the sorry bass-turds a double beheading....one a couple feet south of the turban and the other right under it! See how those masked a-holes respond with what little bit on manhood they have is whacked off!

...can use a rusty can lid to do it for all I care...
Deport the non citizens now!! Pull out of the middle east. Pull all financial aide to any country that even sympathizes with these folks. Let them go back to the dark ages. Use our troops to protect our folks. They pull another attack like 911...rid the earth of all of them even the innocents.
The thing I love is the screaming for us to follow the rules of the Geneva Convention. Why is it that we are the ONLY contry that has to "follow the rules"? And since when was making the prisoners stand naked torture. Humiliation yes, torture no. I agree though. We need to make them more afraid of us than they are afraid of pigs.
I would love to get rid of all illegals. every last one of them, put the border patrol and teh national guard on our borders to protect OUR country.

Anyone who whines about this they can be shipped to the country of thier choice( I would support a tax increase for this purpose). A one way ticket and a loss of USA citizen ship.

Get america back to the way it used to be.

I haven't watched the Nick Berg video, but I did watch the one of the Korean - I think he was already dead when they beheaded him. He was not moving at all, and given his panicked state in the video, pleading for his life, I don't think he would be silent and non-moving. They kinda shoved him over on his side - his legs didn't move, his mouth didn't move, etc. Maybe they took pity on him and either killed him in a merciful manner or else he tried to escape and they killed him, then beheaded him to still make propaganda.