PEAX Equipment

Stealhead are Salmon

Matt, now your just getting silly...

General fishing licenses are good for any kind of fish, except some and what ever body of water you are on.
What is funny about your argument is that your arguing about something totally different than the actual subject.

That is classic.....

Can we get a translator in here??
BUZZ/MATTy/BBB4, you still haven't shown where steelhead are not salmon. If you can't refute the topic with something other then you OPINION, then your opinion is wrong.

Please feel free to refute the topic with supporting evidense.

WHo the Hell cares if Steelhead are Salmon!!!!

Is it REALLY Going to make a difference in anyone's life ?????????

Someone please explain the Importance of this Argument!!! |oo |oo |oo |oo |oo |oo |oo |oo |oo
WHOC, evidently BUZZ/MATTy/BBB4 cared enough to keep arguing the point. Some have made accusations about other members here, and they seem to care enough about their own wrongful comments to keep arguing them rather then admit that they are wrong.

If one of them could supply substantiated evidense that steelhead are in fact not salmon, I would be willing to concede, but since that hasn't happened yet, I'll let them keep making ar$e$ of them$elve$.
WH's OutdoorsChick said:
I can see the Illegal Immigration Post but now Steelhead are Salmon :D

Such esteemed company..... :rolleyes: WHOC, Ten Beers, and ElkCheese....

I would be worried if I was ever the only other person to agree with Ten Beers and the Cheese...
This a bit of a bitter pill to swallow but...........Ten Bears is correct.

I called Alaska F&G on Friday and spoke with fisheries biologist Tom DeCico(sp).
I asked him to settle the "bet" on this and his answer was straight forward. Biologically, genetically and behaviorally (and thus taxonomically) steelhead are more salmon than trout. He told me that there was some controversy about this in biology circles a few years ago but the research bore out the pro-salmon argument and drove the genus reclassification.

He told me further that the label "trout" is notional in so far as it is a european term for all fresh water fish that resemble salmon. European settlers recognized Atlantic Salmon and applied the term "trout" to all North American freshwater fishes that resembled that which they were already familiar with. Even the european Brown Trout is more salmon than trout. Mr DeCico told me that Atlantic Salmon are a sea-run strain of Browns and that genetically, the two are indistinguishable. He also said that for the purposes of technical accuracy, there are no trout, per se, in North America. Brookies, Dolly Varden (Bull Trout to you westerners) and Lake Trout are all species of char, not trout. Cutthroats including Goldens, are essentially the same as Rainbows/Steelhead insofar as being more salmon than trout.

So tradition ran afoul of science on this one, and I for one was sucked into pissin' match this by what I thought I knew. They'll always be trout to me no matter what they're called in Latin.

You win this one Ten, and I'm out of this thread.
Thank you ERIK. Not that I will ever claim any debate as a "win" (I don't see these things as competitions), but thank you for the information and clarification.

Unless anyone has any other information to refute that posted by ERIK, I consider this topic over. |oo |oo

Well, I called and talked to a fisheries biologist and he told me that a salmon and a steelhead are about as similar as "cats and dogs". He then went on about anatomical differences, etc. etc. etc. and wonders why they HAVENT been given a different genus. Still doesnt change the fact that they are entirely different species.

Pick your "expert".

Thread over.
Ten beers,

What was your point again...oh, thats right defending Elkcheese and his not knowing the difference between 2 distinct species of of which is listed under the endangered SPECIES act.

Theres many, many, many more differences between steelhead and any of the five SALMON species than there is between the five SALMON species.

Thats the point the biologist I talked with made and why many biologists around the world want to change the genus that steelhead are in...they dont have many similar traits, life-cycles, anatomy, etc. with any of the salmon. The salmon speices have all those things pretty much in common with one another.

I know this stuff is pretty complicated for someone with a GED...but all I can do is try.

Any more dumb questions?
The point is BUZZ, you are wrong, and can't even come forward to admit it. You will purposely post wrong or misleading information to prove your point.

Currently, whether you like it or not, or agree with it or not, steelhead are salmon.
Ten beers,

You're wrong, so was elkcheese.

Neither you or elkcheese is educated enough about fisheries to even comment intelligently on them, let alone smart enough to classify fish...even the experts are divided, but ten beers is "right"...sure whatever you say. The only thing you proved is that there is alot of contraversy within the fisheries community on what a steelhead REALLY is...and most agree its not really a salmon.

Argue all you want, respond again if you find it necessary, but I'm done.
BUZZ, if most agreed it wasn't I'd think it would have a different genus clear from salmon, but as it doesn't (yet). Steelhead will be (even scientifically) considered salmon. Choke on that.
Still on this deal? Then there was the Elk are Deer. :confused:

Maybe I should start one that says "If you are a Homo Sapien then you are gay?" :confused: :D

Not really contributing to thread this is just what my pea brain thought. ;)
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