Spring in Hunt Area


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2019
Cheyenne, Wyoming
People often overlook these springs when they hunt. Some of what I found scouting in my hunt area are smaller than this but I noticed a bunch of various game tracks leading this way so I followed them. Locate the springs on your map and see if they currently hold water. There are a lot that are intermittent springs, dry for most of the year but a source of minerals because the water runs over a lot of rock underground getting there, especially limestone. When I found a large herd in my hunting area early this year while fishing, they were not in the vicinity of large creeks or ponds, but around these smaller springs. My hope is to find them there this year and chances are good because you have to hike in a mile or so from nearest two track. Some of the streams barely had a trickle of water but tracks still around them.
