Spot And Stalk Huns


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2015
We are hunting as I write this and feel the need to share with all you guys stuck behind a computer somewhere. We have several sections of stubble, 2 shotguns and no dogs. Enter the Leica Televid spotting scope and an overlook to some lower ground.

I told Tim I see what looks like a bird on the edge of a plowed field at about 1400 yards. We drive about 600 yards closer, put the Leica on it and it is still there, looking like a bird. Parking the truck, go down a hidden ravine for several hundred yards and spread out to jump the birds, hoping they are just over the bank.

They were, they flushed and the double barrel does its job, all I have to do is point it and shoot.

I hope you are all well, we need to move on to another stubble field. Oh, and it is 70 degrees out today...

