Special Offer


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2000
Mesa, AZ
For those of you that like to load Nosler(partitions and ballistic tip) bullets, I have an excellent offer. I have access to Nosler seconds. These are bullets that for some minor reason, are considered not suitable for general sales. They are generally a little stained, or the points are a little flat or some minor thing like that. I have been loading them for years and have never had a complaint. The general price is about 40% of the off the shelf price plus shipping. I can only buy them in limited quantities so first come first served. If you are interested, you can email me at home and I will quote bullet cost. Shipping will depend on quantity and location. Not all bullets are available all the time. If anyone is interested, let me know.

Dan AZ www.huntandlodge.com
Dan, Interesting offer! I would be a candidate for BT in 257/115 gr and 85gr and Part in 308/150 or 165 gr. Please let me know. I live a long ways off in PA but we can work out the details as we go on. Regards, stv
You bet Dan! I would also be interested in 308/150-165gr BT's....sounds like a good excuse to stock up!
Hi, Dan - I'd be interested in 50 or 55 gr .224 Ballistic Tips. The ground squirrels aren't picky about the bullets being seconds! When Sierra was in Santa Fe Springs here, my Dad used to buy their seconds by the pound. Usually, the problem was an irregular tip. With three boys reloading centerfires, he had to cut costs wherever he could!
OK, So I guess this thing is going to run out here, well, that's OK too. You guys are all on the list. I will be calling early next week and I will post prices and availability. Each of you may want to check on UPS rates from AZ 85205 to where ever you live. That way, there will be no surprises.

Dan AZ www.huntandlodge.com
I can use some .338 210 and 225, also 284 in 140, 150 or 160. No ballistic tips, all Partitions. Let me know.
Be safe, have fun!
OK guys, Here's what I found out:

22 caliber
50 gr. Ballistic Tip/100 10.50 no limit
55 gr. " " 11.00 no limit

257 caliber
85 gr. Ballistic Tip/100 14.85 limit 5
100 gr. " " ***************
**********a very limited quantity @13.65/100
115 gr. " " /50 8.60 limit 5

264 caliber
100 grain partition 00000000OUT0000

277 Caliber
150 gr. Ballistic Tip/50 9.80 limit 5

7mm Partitions
140 gr./50 9.25 limit 5
150 gr./50 10.25 limit 5
160 gr./50 13.75 limit 5

30 caliber
170 grain RN Part./100 13.25 no limit
150 gr.BT /50 10.00 limit 5
165 gr. BT/50 10.20 limit 5
180 gr. BT/50 10.50 limit 5

150 gr. part./50 12.85 limit 5
165 gr. part./50 0000000OUT000
180 gr. part./50 11.00 limit 5

338 caliber
180 gr. B Tip./50 11.05 limit 5
225 and 250 are not available at this time.

OK, that's the scoop on what I had. Let me know by Monday. I will call in the order then.

Dan AZ www.huntandlodge.com

[This message has been edited by danr55 (edited 02-16-2001).]

[This message has been edited by danr55 (edited 02-17-2001).]
I have a list. I am going to phone in the order this morning about 11:00 MST. I will check one more time here, before I call. After I call, I will contact everyone that ordered and confirm the order. From there, it should be about 2 1/2 weeks until you get your orders. Any questions, call me at 480-891-2726 this morning.

Start making your lists for the next order to be placed in about 4 weeks. Thanks,


Dan AZ www.huntandlodge.com

[This message has been edited by danr55 (edited 02-20-2001).]