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Snake boots


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
SW Wisconsin
Looking into investing into a good pair of snake boots for an october 1st antelope hunt I have been looking at the danners and the lacross boots anyone here have any experiance with these how do you like them.Also I looked at kentrek boots but I didnt see a snake boot that is made buy them.
For the money I like the Danners. I've since worn them out (3 years) and need a new pair this year. I may try something different, but then again I bet I stay with Danner.
i wear the snake blocker boot. very lightweight, and affordable. whatever boot you get, make sure you get leather soles and not rubber. i had a pair of rubber soled boots once and if the grass is wet, you sound like a squeeky wheel lol
Are the snakes really out in Oct? I'm planning on WY in Sept...Do I really need snake boots?
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Better to have and not need than to need and not have. Very cheap insurance in my opinion. My hunting buddies home about me wearing my snake boots but I could careless. I have been struck at before so I love the peace of mind. I have Chippewa snake boots.
I think people tend to over exagerate the snake risk. I've lived and recreated in snake country all my life. I don't personally know anyone who actually uses snake boots. I've never met anyone who has ever been bitten by a venomous snake. I've met two people in my life who were shot in hunting accidents. Just sayin'.....

If worrying about snakes will affect your enjoyment of the hunt, get boots. If not, don't bother.
Like HW just said, if its gonna mess with your trip then invest in a pair. I have heard good things on danner and Chippewa.

I personally dont think you will need them. In my observations people are usually struck more often from putting there hands where they dont belong. The only lower leg bites I know of are from tall grass or rocky/boulder areas. I don't know statistics just saying what I've heard. They are there, I just don't think you need anything more than healthy respect on warm days. In October its just as likely to snow as see a snake.
Ditto,I would worry more about where you stick your hands or where you walk.
I know folks that wear them,I really don't know why, other than I've seen how they operate.

As an EMT, the only bite I worked on a lower limb was a sandal/shorts wearing walk thru the brush and rocks fool. Guys feet & legs were torn up from hiking into a sunning snake.
The 3 other bites were hands on hikers who not watching were they were grabbing or sticking them.
I've seen plenty of snakes out in October, and I've never once worn snake boots. I'm sure they have their place, and if they give you peace of mind then wear them.

It's been my experience that by October the snakes are more concentrated around the den areas and are usually pretty slow in a metabolic sense. Lots of times they won't even rattle, they are more occupied with sunning themselves.
I think people tend to over exagerate the snake risk. I've lived and recreated in snake country all my life. I don't personally know anyone who actually uses snake boots. I've never met anyone who has ever been bitten by a venomous snake. I've met two people in my life who were shot in hunting accidents. Just sayin'.....

If worrying about snakes will affect your enjoyment of the hunt, get boots. If not, don't bother.

Couldn't agree more. I spend 4-5 days a week walking around in snake country and have yet to encounter a situation where I needed snake boots.
Here in Florida I don't hit the swamps without snakeboots. Been tagged twice in the boot that I know of. I love my Irish Setter Vaprtreks.
We certainly have our share of rattlers out here in NV especially during the August deer and antelope hunts and we have never worried about them.
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