Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Silly question, but not Palin related

They've got biologists selling maps at the front desk up there? Who's idea was that?

I'd just tell them that most public lands with x, y, and Z are good. Let them go look for themselves. A friend that used to work for the DOW here used to tell guys, "When I go elk hunting, I don't want my elk tied up for me." I'm not sure how well that worked. ;)
Tell em to GTFO, but buy some stuff before you go!

Seriously though, I wouldn't risk the ire of your regular customers by giving away specific draws or canyon, but thing like "I hear there was a couple elk killed up around ***** peak last year" should be sufficient to keep them happy.
Who exactly, is a regular customer of the BLM? Besides ranchers and miners? Are they the only ones worthy of telling the good hunting spots? Just curious, cuz I've seen the term mentioned more than once.
They've got biologists selling maps at the front desk up there? Who's idea was that?

Not quite that bad up here Oak. Usually it starts with the receptionist paging me about someone wanting to know where to find critters, then I pull out some maps, make some "x"'s and close the transaction.

I think I will start telling them the truth...this isn't the best place, but it is where I send everyone who asks where to go.:D
I believe you work for the government in a wildlife capacity, don't you? If so, that is different than working in a sporting goods store. If I were asked by a taxpayer and I was a government worker, I would help them out. I would consider part of what I am paid for. I would find out what they have done already - do they have maps, harvest info, etc. PRobably, most of the guys are working stiffs who can't afford a guided hunt. If they have done some homework, though, I'd have to say I'd probably help them more than if they just showed up and expected me to give them directions to a honey hole.

In any case, I would try to direct them to a general area where they would have a reasonable chance (or at least as much chance as anyone else) to bag something unless they acted like assholes and were demanding or demeaning.

Yep Cali, government employee. In my opinion I do not consider showing them hunting spots is part of what I am paid for. Most guys are pretty cool and I don't have a problem pointing them in the right direction and then are others that feel I am obligated to help them out and make it snappy.:BLEEP:

If you gained the knowledge of where the birds are while working, can I file a FOIA request and get every bit of knowledge???

What the hell, just finished up two FOIA's last week and have nothing else to do. Why don't you just send it directly to our Billings office and they can forward it to me.:D
We point out generic areas, and then explain, they are fish, and they do move in and out of these areas.
Yup, he is a government employee, but I don't think he is a government GUIDE!
Maybe you MT bio's are all sending us on a goose chase:rolleyes:

The archery elk tag I drew, the Bio had this to say.................."I would pretty much throw a dart at a map of Montana and pick anywhere but there". Maybe he is full of chit as well:D

I don't think you are responsible to tell these people your sweet spots. They need to do a little work on their own. Everyone wants a shortcut these days.
In any case, I would try to direct them to a general area where they would have a reasonable chance (or at least as much chance as anyone else) to bag something unless they acted like assholes and were demanding or demeaning

That was the summary of what I wrote. Out here, some of the deer units, for example, are hundreds of square miles. Now, I don't know why someone from out of state would apply for one of those huge areas, but game harvest reports on the general unit are not going to do someone much good and the first place people are told to go is to check with the biologists. Maybe we need to tell all the gun rag/hunting mag writers to stop sending folks to biologists/range managers? Again, a point in the general direction, like "The Parkfield area is good for pigs" or "Hunter Liggett and Camp Roberts, if open, are good spots open to the public."

Not saying you have to put up with assholes or give up secret spots - just a point in the general direction if they ask politely. (Not that I have any business telling you what to do...just what I would do.)
Maybe we need to tell all the gun rag/hunting mag writers to stop sending folks to biologists/range managers?
Maybe you need to understand the difference between state fish and game biologists and those managing federal land? Either can be a good to great source of information, but their jobs, and IMO responsibility, in directing sportsmen to areas with game are very different.
Most guys are pretty cool and I don't have a problem pointing them in the right direction and then are others that feel I am obligated to help them out and make it snappy.

....officious gov't 'prick factor' reply for the latter?