Shooting Broadheads

Remember a whisker biscuit the whole arrow has to travel through it (tip to end).

No room for error.

Good Luck!!

Can you elaborate, tip to end? I figure I am not understanding your description.

The biscut is designed for the shaft to sit within the center slot of the biscut.The tip is well beyond the biscut when at full draw.
Ok, you say they have a lifetime warranty, is that if they are never used ? :D If they pass through a deer and into the ground they will replace the blades when they get dual ?

Yup! That is what they do. I just buy replacement blades, as that is easier than the hassle of mailing them, etc.
Can you elaborate, tip to end? I figure I am not understanding your description.

The biscut is designed for the shaft to sit within the center slot of the biscut.The tip is well beyond the biscut when at full draw.

In my case I only had about 1/4 inch sticking out at full draw. When I went to the fall away my groups got a lot tighter. I played with both arrow rests and found myself with the fall away.

I do miss the fact the biscut would hold an arrow for me. LOL

If you look at some video's on youtube at slow mo you will see how the arrow flex's as you release the arrow. Well now it travels through the biscut with some movement. Not to mention your vanes won't wrinkle.

I will look for the video I used to show you the difference.
Thanks All Play.
Don't mean to derail the topic though on the topic of biscuts (w/o making a new thread) I find the darn biscut has a nasty sliding noise as I draw back...

Anyone with tips to reduce that noise?

I recently picked up a fall away though am pretty dialed in with the biscut. No real time to install and set up. I would be using the time to hunt to install...
About the Magnus warrenty.... Mike Sohm the owner of Magnus is on Bowsite frequently and judging from his posts, the warrenty is you break it, they will replace it. It doesn't matter how or for what reason.

I don't shoot magnus but I think they are a great head.
Fin , most of all good broad heads you can buy replacement blades for.

So the life time warranty is on the shaft?

Their warranty is on both blades and shaft. I just don't like the hassle of mailing everything, so rather than sending them in, I just put new blades on them.

I know guys who use them and once they shoot them through an animal or into the dirt, they send them off to Magnus and get new ones, no questions asked.

I do have a couple shafts that have been abused beyond the point of repairable accuracy, so after this season, I will probably send these shafts and the blades in for replacement.

Bugler is the one who pointed me to Magnus. I think he has sent in a lot of these for replacement.

Here is the Magnus Warranty Policy.
Sounds like you are ready.

I must say make absolutely sure that you change your blades or re-sharpen to razor sharp. This is one area you don't want to skimp on. I think a lot of lost animals are due to broadheads that are not sharp. Veins are like rubber bands, if the blades are not razor sharp the veins will push around your blades.

Good luck and go kill something.

+100,000 I think the same thing. That is why I shot replaceable blades. I cannot sharpen a knife for chit./

Muzzy sells pratice blades which make shooting broadheads all the time a snap.
Thanks All Play.
Don't mean to derail the topic though on the topic of biscuts (w/o making a new thread) I find the darn biscut has a nasty sliding noise as I draw back...

Anyone with tips to reduce that noise?

I recently picked up a fall away though am pretty dialed in with the biscut. No real time to install and set up. I would be using the time to hunt to install...

not much you can do with the old style "whiskers". the newer ones have softer bristles in them. always used a little wax on the arrow shaft when I thought of it before I replaced the biscuit. kind of like applying wax to your bow string.

as far as broadheads. the montec G-5's fly the best out of my set up when talking about a fixed blade broadhead. did switch to the NAP spitfires for the mechanical head. same as Randy, never trusted them. but after trying them on deer, and then getting the pass thru on my last bear, believe in them now.

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