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Sheriff Mike...Whitedeers hero


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Heres a real gem, but I thought he didnt have anything to say about wolves...but he's qualified and well educated about the subject at least.

Hide your Kids!!!! The wolves are loose! Just like the screw in Sheriff Mikes head!

Wolves and the ESA
By Mel Neff with Sheriff Michael E. Cook
Published 03. 4. 2002 at 21:29 PST
The following article was written by a friend of mine who writes the Oregon Explorer Article for the Koos News, the same small paper I write for. I felt this story must be told to more people than just Coos County Oregon. The Whacko's who are attempting to plant wolves in our back yards don't care how many people are hurt or killed. This puts our children in danger. I hope you will help stop this stupid behavior before a child or someone is hurt or killed.
Mike Cook.

This will effect everyone, from the family picnic, camper, day hiker, bird watcher, farmer, rancher, logger, fisherman, hunter, urban dweller, skier or anyone who lives or spends time in our outdoors, any season of the year. Friends and neighbors we are being invaded, not by a foreign enemy but from within. The ESA ( Endangered Species Act ) has a provision that mandates the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to reintroduce WOLVES into selected areas where wolf packs historically ran 100 years ago.

FIRST do not put any blame on our Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife or any other state entity this is a FEDERAL LAW, the last 8 years of green's running our government is the problem. There was a meeting scheduled in Redding California on that fateful day 9-11-01 and because of the World Trade Center Bombing it was canceled. The meeting was to be attended by members from the Defenders of Wildlife, the Syskiyou County Board of Supervisors, members of the Nez Pierce Indian Tribe and a representative of the Northern California Wolf Center, to develop a support base for the reintroduction of wolves into Northern California and South Western Oregon. When the cancellation announcement was made, one attendee is credited with making the statement " I don't give a damn about bombings in New York, I want wolves on the west coast. "

When word of this meeting leaked out, the USF&W Service has said that there will be no introduction of wolves in this area at this time. No need to, they are migrating in from Idaho as I write this column, wolves have been observed near the I-5 corridor and that's in the heartland of our state.

The Defenders of Wildlife, USF&W Service along with several other Pro. wolf groups have spread the lie that there are no documented wolf attacks on humans in North America. Nothing could be further from the truth. The following are the hoops and road blocks needed to be overcome in order for an encounter to be listed as a bona fide wolf attack;
#1. The wolf has to be killed, examined and found to be healthy. #2. It must be proven that the wolf was never kept in captivity in it's entire life.
#3. There must be eyewitnesses to the attack.
#4. The person must die from their wounds ( bites are generally not attacks according to biologists )
That is what it takes to document a wolf attack on humans in North America.

Along with the junk science used in the infamous Canadian Lynx Study and the now suspect Grizzly Bear Study, the questionable science and biology associated with the overly inflated Deer and Elk herd numbers used by the USF&W Service to allow the wolf reintroduction, need to be reevaluated.

Washington State had it's first documented wolf sighting in 1999 and California will have several if it hasn't happened already, wolves from Idaho, Arizona and New Mexico will migrate into Nevada and California it's not a matter of territory as much as it is food. Wolves are predators of chance running in packs averaging 6-8 animals, ( or more ) the size of prey is no problem, deer, elk, domestic animals, humans or any warm blooded bird or mammal to a wolf they all look like lunch.

Do you remember the small child, that turned up missing over a year ago while the family was cutting Christmas trees on the east side of Oregon ? A pair or a single wolf could be the culprit, and there would be nothing left but a few shreds of cloth. Look here if you are interested in more information on wolf attacks.

Literally millions of our tax dollars have been spent to bring back a predator that was all but eradicated because it was to dangerous to be left to roam in a civilized society. Brace yourselves for more missing children and adults as these predators multiply.

A very chilling story was told on the Oregon Outdoors radio program to host Richard DeChambeau and his listeners by Tim Sundales of Idaho. It seems Tim and his wife back pack into the high country every year, riding their horses to a base camp, then hike to different areas to fish, while headed up a trail from the base camp they were surrounded by a pack of wolves, and in order to save the life of his wife, Tim was forced to kill the Alpha male. The rest of this story is on the web site mentioned before.
Heres another great and well articulated piece of literature from Sheriff Mike from KOOKVILLE Oregon: from an article entitled "I'm mad as hell".

"So here is my solution to all this. These people are enemies of this country and our freedom and government just like the English, Germans, Japanese, Italians, Russians, Chinese, and Cubans were and are and we must defend our nation from them. The enviro-wahcko's are attempting to do to this nation the same things that all our enemies have tried to do forever and that is to destroy our government and rule us. They don't care about the trees or the environment, oh sure they have people they have recruited and fooled into believing that they care, and these people are misguided and believe they are doing the right thing, but the fact is they are also being taken in just like so many people have been for decades in other countries around the world. To bad they can't see the light.

You see, this nation gets it's power from the people and the freedom to go out and make a living from the land and the abundant natural resources that this nation produces. Once that is stopped, and we are all herded into large urban areas away from the land, then we can be controlled and killed if we are no longer needed for whatever they, the Whacko's, need us for.

I can't believe that the Americans that I know and love will set back and let this happen. We must pass laws against this activity and the punishment must be strong. Then we must allow our law enforcement to go out and arrest those who are enemies of this country and make sure they are brought to justice. If that doesn't happen then I am afraid that true Americans will be forced to once again take up arms to defend this nation against all enemies who would destroy this land. We can no longer allow them to take this nation of ours from within and bring her to her knees like so many have tried in the past. I guess the sad part is they are using our tax money and our own love of freedom to do it to us, that makes me as mad as hell."

HUH? Ok, so if your German, Chinese, Italian, Russian etc. you belong in jail? You're an enemy to the U.S.? Then he says the "enviro-whackos" should be arrested and thrown in jail for "stopping timber sales". Is this guy serious? What are the enviro-whackos" guilty of...using the LEGAL SYSTEM, that SHERIFF MIKE, is so proud of, and worked so hard to uphold all those years?

The scary thing about this idiot is that the people of Oregon gave the guy a badge and a gun. If there needs to be a law, there ought to be one against letting 350 pound loud-mouth bigots becoming sheriff of even a shithouse, let alone a county.

Man, Whitedeer, you sure should be proud to be supporting this screwball.

Regular brain housing, WOW!
Now this is one issue I disagree with Sheriff Mike on.....don't waste the taxpayer's money by jailing this "Enviro-Wackos"......line all the bastards up and shoot them!
First thing he needs is a proof-reader!

What makes this guy any worse than a radical, left-winger? No, I'm not talking about hockey!
BUzz- True. Or that people actually publish that crap.

RD- You can hate me too!!! I'm not fat I'm chubby...or have one somewhere!

Rocky, there's the big ol' boy...
Put a Blue NRA hat on him, set him at a table at a Gun Show selling $159 SKS, throwing stars, and manuals instructing "How to Turn a Couch into a Home Defense Weapon"...

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-26-2003 00:31: Message edited by: SalmonGunner ]</font>
Thanks, Nut! I just love it when whitedeer and michael try to sneak the sheriff's ramblings by us in the guise of something credible!
Ya really hafta be scraping the bottom of the barrel to post his drivel. Problem is---lotsa uneducated welfare ranchers think guys like the sheriff are who we should be listening to!
I can't help wondering if whitedeer and michael are really stupid enough think the sheriff is an authority on anything!
Now know how sensitive I am about negative feedback.
Admit it like a man, or whatever you are, that you have been backing a bunch of crooks.....brag some more on your buddies that are directors of TNC.

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