Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Sharing the wealth?


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2011
U.P. of Michigan
For you Elk killing regulars, If hunting with a group of friends, say 3, and you shoot an Ellk; how much of the meat do you share with the rest of the group, assuming that is the only Elk killed?
Same here, I killed a bull and divided half between my son and friend!
We always had this rule: one half goes to the shooter, and the other 1/2 is divided between anyone else that helped to pack it out. Always seemed to work well.
You help pack, you are offered what the pack out deserves. Uphill both ways, late in the season, had a kid (not able to hunt a bunch) all is factored in. We just jump in and do what is right.
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You keep what you pack out, with the shooter getting at least 50% of the animal. If the weather is warm and meat spoilage is possible it is all hands on deck until meat is in the coolers back at the truck. If spoilage is not an issue, then non-shooters have choice of packing meat or continuing to hunt.
Pay them each one steak for their labor. They are not entitled to the fruits of your success if they want an elk the should hunt harder. Socialism is what keeps them from trying hard enough to be successful them selves.

Hitler shared his elk!
With the folks I hunt with the work and meat is usually divided up equally.
My group has an agreement that all meat is split equally amoungst us. Has worked out well so far. We all put the time and effort in so we should all share in the bounty. Just because maybe only one guy was lucky enough to pull the trigger doesn't mean the rest of the team didn't work just as hard.
I have shard with my friends that helped pack it out, I gave them 1 front shoulder and a backstrap..... I have no problem sharing if they helped in some way.
When we help each other drag out a deer at home we don't share unless it's back straps and loins on the grill that night. When we go out west we are Socialist as hell.:p We split all duties and expenses equally so we split all meat the same way.
It depends, but I usually give away at least 2 elk every year, either to other guys in camp or family.

Last year I shot a bull moose, gave half to my Dad and Brother. I also shot 3 elk, gave all but half of one away. My wife shot a 6 point bull, we kept half of that and gave half away.
We always do an equal split. My buddy who I hunt with has taught me almost everything I know about bowhunting, so I always give him the equal split. Its a nice feeling when an animal is down to split the harvest among your hunting partners.
I've shared mine but never taken anybody else's.

Same here, and its pretty rare that a hunting partner will take it. I think we all enjoy in the fact that we provide for our own, not that sharing is wrong, just a pride thing I guess. I've always been fortunate to have enough meat for a year +, and usually then some and usually give away quite a bit. Same goes for fish.
I have packed out a lot of meat for others, never would have thought about accepting somebody else's meat.

I will offer to give meat to anybody that I talk to about, but rarely do I get people who take me up on it.

We also don't shoot "freezer fillers" either.

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