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Schweitzer and new wolf management

Last time I explained it I was questioned about being a poacher so to clarify I don't agree with the idea but SSS = ShootShovelShutup
Good, it's about time! That said, he really doesn't address all wolves, just the ones that ranchers will come across. I'd like to say booyaaaaaaa....let's do this, but it could just make things worse. I'm all about the conservation of wolves, but it might just hurt the process already in place to get the wolves delisted across the U.S., I guess who cares.....let's do this!!
I read that big article in our paper this morning and about spit my cereal out! LOL.....Gotta hand it to him, that took some kahones. I'm not sure how its going to pan out as far as getting a hunting season established due to the fact that i think about half the state packed up today and went looking for livestock harassment:):) But if nothing else, this should damn sure get the ball moving again on the issues at the Fed level. I'm sure they are puckering up just a bit now:)
I read that big article in our paper this morning and about spit my cereal out! LOL.....Gotta hand it to him, that took some kahones.

Yup. I agree. It is so funny to watch the squirming and read the flurry of emails across my computer this morning.

According to the emails, the Governor is just "Grandstanding" for his own personal purposes. Good chance he is. So what if he is? Who cares? What makes that any different than what any other politician does?

Wasn't Rehberg doing the same? After he tried to sell us down the river with the many bad bills he voted for that laid the pipe to hunters, he claims to come to the rescue by introducting a wolf delisting bill. And, the "wolf bankers" are falling all over themselves to sing praises of such.

I wish it wasn't a breach of confidence to post some of this stuff. It is beyond funny. The scramble is on to make sure the train doesn't leave the station without the "wolf bankers."

I would bet by Monday, either this announcement will be attacked publicly by the "wolf bankers," or the posse will come out with something to push the ball even further out in the field, or both.

I really couldn't care whether it is the Governor, a Senator, a state legislator, or the janitor at the bus station, who might come forward with progress. "R" or "D" doesn't matter either.

Just nice to see politicians jumping in toward solutions. Even if it is for their own political salvation and enhancement. That is the nature of the political beast. Feed the beast!

Craig Sharpe, executive director of the Montana Wildlife Federation, also was pleased that something is being done to protect elk herds. People are getting whiplash watching wolves be listed, delisted, relisted, delisted and relisted through various court and governmental actions, and Sharpe said it’s time to move forward in a definitive manner.
“I would say it’s a good thing that he’s taking action,” Sharpe said. “The process is moving too slowly to bring it back to state management. Clearly, he’s frustrated and he’s trying to move forward.
“Whether it’s legal or compromises the act or not is another matter.”
If you do shoot one, you may want to stay quiet about it, cause Schweitz doesn't have any power to limit fed officers!!

This is a sweet move though.... proud to be a Montanan!!!
He's not opening the door to poaching. He's still following Motana law with regards to the wolf. He's acting like the wolf never got re-listed. People read what they want too in things.
Not a big fan of politicians that stand on principal only when ther back is against the wall, but I do have to admit that it is fun to watch folks root him on after it happens.

This statement came out hours after a pile of heat came upon him, from a wolf policy meeting in D.C. He is pretty in-tune with DC, and now after 5 years of little or no action we get this shot from the hip.

Entertaining, I got to admit!
Maybe he spent the last 5 years trying to do it the "politically correct" way, and finally just gave up and decided to do it the "correct" way instead. Either way, I support him and hope all the western states pull together on this.
He literally said on the news last night, "it's gotten to the point where I'm asking, 'what are they going to do, take away our birthdays?'" laughed my a** off on that one.
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