Schmalts Just for You

Funny Chit. This guy has some hard feelings about something i guess.
What he left out is the fact that they sell every single bike they make and for over a decade they never seem to make enough. close to 400,000 bikes a year and still selling. They give what the public wants, and so they sell. I guess he is bitter about that.
I would love to see HD make more advancements with thier bikes, but guess what? the public wants nostalga. Take a look at the V-rod, that is pretty damn advanced, liquid cooled, overhead cam, high reving, tons of power, faster than all the Jap crap in its same class, But guess what? its our poorest seller. Go figure.
They want bikes that look like..... a Harley! An old one with newer reliability, and all the Japs are copying the look, Why? because thats what the customer wants.
I never really understood everything about the Lure of HD, but when you go to a Rally and see and talk to the Middle aged folks riding them it helps put a guy in touch what it is all about. Honda made a huge hit in the 60's with the slogan "you meet the nicest people on a Honda" and guess what? its pretty much the Harley way of life now. Yea there is still the Outlaws and Gangs but they make up a small population of HD owners.
Maybe this guy is pissed because one day he was riding his Jap bike and a bunch of Harley guys didnt do that gay "biker wave" as they crossed paths. I dont do it either, i am too lazy unless its a hot chick.
V Twin rants

Two things here:

1. V-rods have dominated NHRA pro stock bike for about a year now, so there is technical merit to the design.

2. These Harleys are grown-up each his own,but not for me(think of all the hunting toys you could buy for the cost of one
Hell i dont even own one, and i work there. I dont see spending that kind of cash on something i cannot drive for 6 months out of the year. If i lived in AZ, yea maybe.
schmalts said:
Hell i dont even own one, and i work there. I dont see spending that kind of cash on something i cannot drive for 6 months out of the year. If i lived in AZ, yea maybe.
Fug, schmalts. You can't fill out an application correctly, the last thing I want to see is you on two wheels.;) Lots of trikes out there, maybe the old lady can drive and you can ride bitch.:D
How them birds doing?
mtmiller said:
Fug, schmalts. You can't fill out an application correctly, the last thing I want to see is you on two wheels.;) Lots of trikes out there, maybe the old lady can drive and you can ride bitch.:D
How them birds doing?
What are you saying miller? that i am to retarded to ride, or too old?:D
Birds dont start until Good friday for me. I am taking the boy out so this will be interesting to say the least. if he screws things up, so what. its the hunt that counts. Trying to keep a 4 year old still enough to turkey hunt will be a challenge