Saw a dandy bull tonight


New member
Dec 31, 2000
Jackson Wyoming
We were spotting on the refuge here in Jackson and I'm guessing there are 3000 head on the refuge at this point. Anyhow, there was a bull out there 7X8 that had his right browtine hung like a bell in front of his face. It was probably 14 inches long and went from about 1.5 in diameter off the main beam to 4-5 inches at the bottom. I tryed to get pics but the digital I shoot blurs out so bad at that far [about 600 yards' when in full zoom ...I blew the pics. Anyhow elk been dropping like flyes the last week here with the snow we are getting. Good huntin fellas Cody PS freakin Utah beat Wyoming today dad gummit!

I just came back from buffalo hunting up there over the weekend(didn't get 1, all bull bison were in the refuge or the GT park, but we found a couple out of the park but then they went in the park<CONFUSING AS HELL>, but we saw a lot of elk too. Saw a couple monsters on the refuge, BUT I GOT PICTURES HEHEHEHEHE.

Good luck to all still hunting,
Wyo hunter! A friend of mine from Dubois drew buffalo as well. He took one of the two bulls killed in the head of the green, union pass area. He's such a lucky SOB. # years ago he woke up hung over at 11 AM in a meadow to a bull bugling, He shot him at 17 steps in the left hind leg and the animal died within 75 yards....Huge Heavy 8X7 Lots of snow droppig right now, Elk are moving everywhere. Good hunts everyone Cody
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