Yeti GOBOX Collection

Save starving Gunnison Valley herds!

Periodic winter kills are a fact of nature. But just because the public has a low tolerance for death doesn't mean CPW should take up feeding. Their decision not to feed is based upon the best available science. The funds raised by this effort would be put to better use if it went towards protecting some good winter range from being buried under subdivisions and strip malls.

I've done plenty of work on feedground elk. Watching them die of disease on a feedground isn't really preferable IMO.

This was verbiage from a Regional DWR Supervisor taken right from the link above regarding Utah feeding in one spot where the deer are having trouble and is exactly why citizens shouldn't undertake feeding on their own:

Dolling says biologists are feeding the deer a specially formulated pellet that meets the unique nutritional needs and digestive systems deer have. He says the specially formulated pellet is the only item biologists will feed the deer. Alfalfa, grass hay or other products will not be used.

"This specially formulated pellet gives deer the correct balance of energy and protein the animals need," he says. "Products other than this pellet can actually hurt the deer. We appreciate the concern many folks have about deer in Utah this winter, but we strongly discourage people from feeding deer on their own."
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Saw a FB link to RMEF on subject. Contrary to normal policy they endorse helping the wildlife.
I don't even feed birds usually but I will be getting a bale of alfalfa to appeaze the elk/deer/antelope gods.
The range has been hit hard here and I will supply plenty of water and some feed for the locals.
Saw a FB link to RMEF on subject. Contrary to normal policy they endorse helping the wildlife.
I don't even feed birds usually but I will be getting a bale of alfalfa to appeaze the elk/deer/antelope gods.
The range has been hit hard here and I will supply plenty of water and some feed for the locals.

You obviously didn't read that antelope and deer cannot eat what you intend to feed and that's exactly why the game departments don't want people feeding on their own. Elk can eat alfalfa, but it will kill deer and antelope because they can't digest it during the winter months when their digestive systems have changed from what they would be eating during the summer and early fall. Doing nothing is normally better than doing the wrong thing and killing them as sure as if you shot them!
I'll get a mix blend too. I usually have more alfalfa for cattle around. My place is not under the deep snow they have up there ,but a foot here on hard grazed range puts a hurt on them. Plenty of browse here for deer above the snow and short grass prairie. Have not seen many antelope lately,maybe they headed down the big draw to the Little Colorado. Point taken.
Periodic winter kills are a fact of nature. But just because the public has a low tolerance for death doesn't mean CPW should take up feeding. Their decision not to feed is based upon the best available science. The funds raised by this effort would be put to better use if it went towards protecting some good winter range from being buried under subdivisions and strip malls.

I've done plenty of work on feedground elk. Watching them die of disease on a feedground isn't really preferable IMO.

Well said! Habitat is everything.
I'm not a local, haven't lived there for 26 years. My" Skin in The Game" is a $200 donation. I haven't hunted there since I moved away.

Clearly the Gunny locals are motivated to take action that was delayed and ineffective by CPW in 2008, as well as in '82 and '78. CPW has to operate within political restraints, citizens do not. As was quoted in another discussion of this, "no jury in Gunnison will convict people for trying to save them."

My point is, there are lots of reasons people will choose not to help, as is their prerogative. Why those people would post discouragement to those who consider helping is beyond me. How about reading the Go Fund Me info, looking @ the result ($5K raised in 1 day so far), and considering why the locals are getting ahead of CPW efforts: Because locals in Gunny have watched their herds die off almost every decade and CPW do nothing or too little too late. They don't have any more $ to burn than you or I, on hopeless causes.

2 guys meet on the beach @ low tide. One is picking up starfish and throwing them back in the ocean. Other asks, "why are you wasting your time? There are thousands of starfish stranded every day on this coast alone. What you are doing won't matter." 1st guy throws another one back, says "it matters to that one."

If you won't help a cause, @ least don't discourage it. To say no difference was made by feeding in '08 by feeding is unfounded. No way to know how much different the outcome would have been w no action taken.

This seems to be a way of thinking that's popped up in the last month or so. If you don't agree with me that's fine, but please don't try to convince people that I'm wrong because I want them to think that I'm right and not have it pointed out that there may be a different opinion out there.

Should I start a thread on PETA and refer people to their website, but ask that no one say anything bad about PETA and just let their website do the talking?
From CPW website:
A Temporary Emergency Order​ is effective Jan 22 - May 15, 2017 for the Gunnison Basin (GMU'S 54, 55, 66, 67 and 551). This order closes areas in the Basin below 9500' to all recreational small game,

predator, furbearer hunting, mountain lion hunting, and to the collection/possession of shed deer and elk antlers, bighorn sheep skulls and/or horns, and pronghorn skulls and/or horns.
Here's a link with updates on what's going on. The state has started feeding.
Actually they will tell you they have started baiting, not feeding. Baiting is done to keep deer and elk off the highway and out of haystacks, but is not done to increase the survival rate. Probably only a difference in the amount of feed they put out, but CPW really likes the distinction.
Just drove u.s. 50 East of town. Lots of deer and elk by hgwy scrounging. Scavengers will have a field day.
Actually they will tell you they have started baiting, not feeding. Baiting is done to keep deer and elk off the highway and out of haystacks, but is not done to increase the survival rate. Probably only a difference in the amount of feed they put out, but CPW really likes the distinction.

Interesting that they would care about the wording. To me feeding sounds better than baiting.
I think the distinction makes sense. The intent is to lure away, not feed. Probably less stressful and more effective than propane cannons and whatnot.
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