Running into other hunters


New member
Sep 26, 2019
I'm a new hunter and went out turkey hunting this weekend for the first time with some buddy's who have never done it as well. Well another first for me happened. I ran into another hunter a distance off trail while sitting in my blind. Since I wanted him to know I was there I whistled and gave him a wave. Is that what you should do even though you blow your cover? It seems as though he blew out the area trekking through there already and its probably more safe to let him know I'm there. Just curious what the standard procedure is when running into someone else hunting. Thanks for the advice in advance!


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I think you did the right thing. Letting him know you are there makes things safer for you, and may also avoid conflicts later. Sometimes , will let a person just pass by without notifying him of my presence, but only if I am confident that he will keep going, out of range and interference.
It would depend for me. Camo and hidden no active birds near me, I might not say anything. He may get a shot at something? I'm speaking out. I don't care if I blow my chances. I'd rather not get shot.
Alerting another Hunter to your presence is the safe game.
Be sure to "maintain" when the goof sees you and still insists on sitting within 50 yds. Yep, they're everywhere.
I usually exit to preempt confrontation. There's lots of woods to hunt but I be sure to take the long way out, looping around his whole area not quite quiet. Then continue my day of nature enjoyment.
Definitely did the right thing. Turkey hunting is likely the single most dangerous type of hunting in relation to accidental firearm injury. Turkeys could easily walk between you and you could get blasted with some #5.
I don't think there are any hard-n-fast rules in this situation. It's whatever makes you feel comfortable. If I am sitting quietly and see some guy strolling along, I'm probably just going to sit tight. If he's still-hunting along in shotgun range and there's any chance a game animal might pop-up between us, then yea - try a wave of an orange vest or something or a just-loud-enough whistle.

I usually enjoy meeting and chatting with other hunters, so unless it's right before dark or some other prime time, I will get up and try to strike up a conversation, which hopefully ends with a friendly, "If you're hunting here, I'll head that way."
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