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Ron Gillett: Enough is enough: Time to kick gray wolves out


New member
Apr 2, 2002

In The Statesman editorial on Thursday, Dec. 26, 2002, the staff writer doesn´t know basic Canadian gray wolf research data, or chooses to ignore the truth. The dumping of the “experimental and non-essential population” of Canadian gray wolves into Central Idaho is going to be the worst wildlife disaster this state has ever known.
This staff writer and his pro-wolf friends understand so little about the Canadian gray wolves it is pathetic. The truth is, once these Canadian gray wolves are dumped into the ecosystem they kill everything. They kill all the prey first, then the other predators. Wolves know how to deal with competition for resources in the wild. Eliminate it. Kill it.

No conservation concept or ethic ever evolved among wolves. The Canadian gray wolves remain what they have always been, the most cruel and vicious predator in North America. They literally eat their prey alive.

This escalating Canadian wolf population (with no plan of control) is a crisis put upon us by the overzealous U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Defenders of Wildlife and other pro-wolf advocates. This minority is ruining our Idaho heritage, economic base, way of life and the destruction of Idaho´s most treasured resource — our wildlife. It is unbelievable what these Canadian gray wolves are doing to Idaho´s ungulate herds (deer and elk). Each wolf kills at least 18 to 25 ungulates per year to eat and up to twice that many on their sport killing binges. Then, these wolves follow the herds of cow elk in the spring and are literally destroying the calf crop through surplus killing reflex. They kill the calves as fast as they are born. The elk herds will drop into a predator pit as they cannot sustain with this slaughter of the calves. We have the pictures and documentation to prove the above. It is estimated at this time 90 percent of the ungulate kills are elk. Within a few years elk hunting as we have known it in Idaho will be a thing of the past, and have a resulting blow to the economy.

Those of us with deep roots in Idaho and proud of our Western heritage believe in well-managed big game herds (for hunting and wildlife viewing) and allowing our rancher friends and neighbors to remain in business which includes grazing their livestock on public lands. The staff writer claims there has been repeated state polling showing public support in Idaho for this Canadian wolf dumping. Show us just one.

The Idaho Legislature has been against this mismanaged wolf boondoggle from the beginning and still is. The state´s official position asks the federal government to remove Canadian gray wolves from the state by the adoption in 2001 of House Joint Memorial No. 5.

Bottom line:

1. U.S. Fish and Wildlife has blatantly lied on the number of wolves (they say 260) in Idaho. Very likely the number exceeds 700. Their so-called monitoring has been a disaster.

2. Our civil rights as granted under the Idaho Constitution and guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution have been severely violated.

3. The federal government and the Defenders of Wildlife must be held accountable for the slaughter of Idaho´s wildlife by this exotic species they have dumped on our state.

4. Delisting is a fairy tale — a myth. Canadian wolves will not be delisted in my lifetime.

5. We have learned there can be no compromise or negotiation with the pro-wolf advocates. All they want are more Canadian wolves without any management tools.

6. There is no way to manage wolves in Idaho because of the terrain and topography.

7. Idaho must have a Canadian gray wolf management plan controlled by the state of Idaho — no U.S. Fish and Wildlife strings attached.

8. While the delisting stand-off continues our wildlife continues to be slaughtered. The Canadian wolf continues to explode unchecked.

9. There is only one way to manage wolves in Idaho — get rid of them.

Enough is enough.

I absofrigginlutly agree!!!!!!!!!!

Itchaca, Buzz, Gunner,
Before you go off on a long winded rant,
One question, Is Gillett any different than Marvel?
Only on the other side of the fence?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-19-2003 16:58: Message edited by: michaelr ]</font>
mike, "Is Gillett any different than Marvel?" It's obvious to anyone with a brain that Marvel is an intelligent, farsighted, organized and focused crusader. I've talked to Gillett and he's a looney tune.
No one would ever put him in the same league with Marvel (well, maybe no one but you). Come back and tell us about Gillett when he's won a lotta lawsuits and has all his opponents on the run like Marvel does!

How much money you givin' to Gillett? I wouldn't waste a nickel on him. Betting on Marvel is a sure thing!
Michael, yes Marvel is different, he has the law on his side and wins case after case.

Gillette does not have the law on his side, and if ever there has been a case study in "pissing in the wind", watch Gillette closely.

Gillette also contradicts himself...the wolves cant be managed, he says, yet wants the state of Idaho to take over management?

Why?, they cant be managed anyway because of the topography. Which is it?

The wolves wont be delisted? He's right about that if frivolous lawsuits like the one he's proposing continue to be filed. Wasnt it you that said the wolf lovers would hold up the process? Hmmmmm???

Also, he makes lots of unfounded claims, only stopping short of Grandma, Little Red Riding hood, and the tooth-fairy.

As I was included in such esteemed company, by you, as Buzz and Ithica, I feel honored to have been asked to provide my view.

I have never personally met either Marvel or Gillet, but I have met people very close to both of them. And if you are known by the company you keep, then I would think there are huge differences. I have been at the same party as Marvel, but did not get a chance to meet him.

Go poke around on Gillett's website, and see what you think of him, from the standpoint of his ability to be a leader to rally the crusades, as a communicator, and as a strategist.

Then go to the WWP website (Western Watersheds), and look a the difference. Even at Marvel's earliest crusades, he was more organized than Gillett.

The biggest thing is that Marvel has the Law on his side, Public Opinion (in ALL 50 states), and money on his side. Gillett will never get the "Public Opinion" on his side. He will have to cater to the "fear" groups that typically rally to similar causes, such as anti-Federal groups.

The people, and yet none have come forward (Wyoming OGA and similar) who MAY support Gillett will never have the resources that Marvel's group will. Marvel gets much funding from all across the nation, and from the Federal Government. Gillett will struggle there.

And, so far, Marvel seems to be a much better Organizer than Gillett, but the game is still early for Gillett. Let's pass that judgement in 5 years.

Michael, it is interesting that you wanted my opinion, as I don't know that I have EVER stated an opinion on the Wolf issue. I have merely stated my observations, and my thoughts on the sides involved.

I will certainly state my opinion on Welfare Ranchers and Salmon recoverery issues. But the Wolf issues do not stir my passion. My first hand observations on the Elk and deer, after hunting in units 15, 25, 27, 33, and 36 is that there is NO impact on the animals, but significant impact on the unsuccessful hunters, who now blame the Wolves.

I have recieved the Flyer from Gillett this week, about the Nampa banquet. My guess is that the parking lot will be empty. If I am in the neighborhood, I will swing by with my digital camera, and take a picture of the crowd, or lack thereof. Even if the Anti-wolf coalition is a good cause, it seems like Gillett, based on interviews, may not be the most dynamic leader.

And finally, Ithica raises a good point. Will you be sending money to Gillett & Co.? I know I do send donation to WWP, and to a group that does all the "dirty work" for WWP, so if this is a WWP vs. Gillett issue, unless you send money to Gillett, WWP is wining...

Michael, great post on your part, to ask a direct question on the differences between the two. Thanks for bringing up the thread in SI.
Well, I went to Mr. Gillett's web site to check out his credentials after seeing all the biological "facts" he gives above. I finally found his name, buried in the pages, with the title of "Outfitting service operator" following it. However, I looked past this apparent conflict of interest, hoping to find the unbiased studies Mr. Gillett was citing when he made his wolf statements. I clicked on the links provided, looking for the proof to his wild accusations. For instance, one link said, "'Sport Killing' by wolves has made the Mount St. Elias/Wrangel caribou herd virtually extinct...." I clicked, expecting to learn of an ecological catastrophe, a herd teetering on the brink, all sport hunting stopped in hopes of saving the near extinct caribou. What I found was a picture of 12 dead caribou, all laid out in two orderly lines. That's when I realized just what a cunning predator we are dealing with! Not only do they kill with wanton abandon, they display their kills in orderly fashion, as if to mock those who would attempt to stop the destruction! It actually kinda reminded me of the dozens of caribou hunting pictures I've seen on the web and in magazines.

I pushed on, yearning to learn the truth. I found a quote by Mr. Gillett, stating, "It is impossible to know the true wolf count in Idaho because of the dense terrain and the topography of this state”. Then he went on to say, "Idaho wolf populations are almost double [the number] USFWS, is releasing." I realized then that we are dealing with a truly special person. Mr. Gillett appears to be able to do the "impossible", ie., accurately estimate the number of wolves in Idaho!

Another interesting statement on the web site: "The wolf advocacy groups show documentaries and coffee table books of fuzzy wolf pups, misleading the general public of the number one predator of our big game herds." I quickly realized that the Anti-wolf Coalition does not believe in the heart-wrenching story tactic to make their point. What a shock it was to then read on and find the following account. "An elderly woman called our office and related the following personal account: In the early 1900s, her family homesteaded in east central Wyoming. She and her sister were the only children. There was a country school
four miles away. Each day the children rode bareback on the family horse to school. The horse was pastured near the school during the day and then the children rode the horse home.
One winter morning, the horse failed to come in. The father and the two sisters went to investigate and found, by examining the tracks left in the snow, that two wolves had passed through the area in the night and attacked the horse. The wolves were able to rip open the abdominal cavity of the horse, causing the intestines to fall out on the ground. Thus, they found the horse, still alive, standing on its own intestines. The horse had to be killed.
Just how does one compensate those children for their loss?"

Hmm, ok, maybe I was wrong about their stance.

I was going to continue on, but I was sidetracked by an advertisement on the site: the following picture, with the caption, "Do you have your Sportsmen's-Gopher yet? This is a Hunters dream!"


Mine will be delivered next week.

I have always heard that Wolves have an "organized nature" about them, and are very methodical. I guess this picture shows how "organized and methodical" they are....

Where you been? You and MD4ME dissappeared about the same time. I was thinking about starting some rumours....
When I saw Gillett at the local sportsman's show last Feb he was saying this: "There is no way to manage wolves in Idaho because of the terrain and topography." I asked him how the wolves got eliminated in Idaho 75 years ago and he just gave me a disgusted look!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-19-2003 20:33: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
I don't know much about Gillett.
that was a serious question.
On the surface it would seem the only difference is what side of the fence they are on.

Has Gillett been at it as long as Marvel?
Reintroduction foes want wolves out of Idaho
By Dan Gallagher
Associated Press Writer
Opposing views on wolf introduction

Here are some claims by Ron Gillett of the Central Idaho Anti-Wolf Coalition and responses by federal wolf recovery coordinator Ed Bangs:

* Species distinction
Gillett -- The wolves introduced into Idaho, Wyoming and Montana are exotic Canadian gray wolves. Idaho's gray wolves are extinct. The Canadian strain is larger and more aggressive.
Bangs -- Wolves travel across the border all the time. Canadian and American gray wolves are the same creature.

* Killing instinct
Gillett -- Each wolf kills up to 24 game animals a year, kills twice that many for the sport of it, and also follows elk herds, killing calves immediately after birth.
Bangs -- Each wolf kills the equivalent of 12 cow elk a year. In Idaho, that would be about 16 ungulates -- elk and deer. Wolves very occasionally kill more than they eat, but sport killing is a popular myth. Some wolves are killed each year by being kicked by elk.

* Eating habits
Gillett -- Wolves kill the big-game animals in an area, then other predators and finally cannibalize other wolves.
Bangs -- Wolves kill enough to eat. They limit their concentrations to about 10 wolves in 300 square miles. They move to new areas rather than crowd one place. They are not cannibals.

Here's more info:

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-19-2003 22:31: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
No reason to start any rumors. I was up in the mountains for an intense four-week course in ecology and measurements, with NO *gasp* internet access. We walked everywhere we went.
I'll have some pictures in a day or two.

IT, wolves were never brought to extinction in Idaho. Their numbers were severly decreased, but they were never extinct in Idaho.

I have gone to Gillettes website, and asked questions, but they never want to respond to my emails. They seem only to want money, hmmm. I know 2 of Gillettes big supporters around here, and neither of them wants to debate with an old man either.