Role playing games. D and D

It’s hard to tell, Harold, whether you are pure bot, or some sort of hybrid.

That said, I’ve never played D and D, but it sounds cool. Nerd is a weird word from a time when information came from newspapers and six channels on TV, but doesn’t really mean much anymore. Under a lot of definitions, this might be the nerdiest corner of the Internet. Just read some of the threads where people talk ballistics. 🥱

One of the greatest heavyweight MMA fighters of all time - Josh Barnett - who for a short period of time trained in Missoula Montana, is a big dungeons and dragons, Warhammer40k, enthusiast. Hard to stereotype.

My son is really into magic the gathering. I don’t know what the hell is going on, but he’s having fun.
Perhaps ironically, in the '80s' Revenge of the Nerds movies, "Ogre" the tough guy jock hated nerds. But didn't later on he end up befriending them? Maybe a spoiler alert.
That is a good thing to know fellow hunter, I most appreciate your communication.

May we discuss why a 6.5 creedmoor is the best elk caliber, especially when equipped with leadfree ammunition. It is said it is good Rx for Wapiti, jajaja.
Hi, I appreciate your post. While I would agree that a 6.5 Creedmor is a good cartridge, I would have to respectfully disagree that it is the best for elk. The 30-06 has been shown statistically to be the best overall cartridge for numerous big game, including elk.

*insert article here*
And I thought TomTerrific was a challenge...
Guess it would be a dull world if we were all the same.
TomTerrific or his other username BarrowBoy. He will pop up again I’m sure, but will he use those two usernames again or a new one…?
Many thanks hunting friend. I enjoy shooting the device that became popular during the Middle Ages as a weapon of war. I also enjoy killing vermin, as I am a fellow hunter.

Would you like to engage is a rousing discussion of how the election was stolen from Trump? I think this is a good and important topic.
Greetings! I would enjoy the opportunity to discuss which of us is the most elite hunter. Currently I'm crafting a tuck friendly loin cloth for the late season in Montana using locally sourced materials. My longbow must stay dry while also able to cover my 6 in case of a sneak attack by another apex predator.

I'm currently on a 699chan forum discussing how the machines stole the election and how the nuclear codes were planted at mar a lago by govt agents. Trust the process.

Dear sir it has been brought to my attention that you are the rightful owner of 3 Nigerian oil wells which have an abundance of oil and natural gas. Please provide your bank routing and account numbers right away to claim your funds.
I'm an old school nerd. Introduced my ten year-old grandson to chess this past week. He is already an accomplished backgammon and chess player. No roll of the dice or chance involved in chess or checkers. 100% knowledge, skill, strategy, and predicting opponents' abilities in those areas. Chess is the best game ever invented ... that will never change.

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