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RMEF Bugle Magazine

Matte or Matt, 'doesn't matter ... the BUGLE clearly shined the light on Dan and his sacrifice ... and on your most honorable and selfless acts to ensure that Dan experienced a truly great hunting season.
Crittergitter instincts once again served you well in that you intuitively knew that it was paramount for Dan to get out there, experience, and score during this past hunting season. We all realize that you expended a great deal of time, energy, and other resources to make it happen ... and happen in a big way! I applaud you and feel pleased that RMEF shined the light on this wonderful story. May your good acts come to be repaid tenfold.
Matte or Matt, 'doesn't matter ... the BUGLE clearly shined the light on Dan and his sacrifice ... and on your most honorable and selfless acts to ensure that Dan experienced a truly great hunting season.
Crittergitter instincts once again served you well in that you intuitively knew that it was paramount for Dan to get out there, experience, and score during this past hunting season. We all realize that you expended a great deal of time, energy, and other resources to make it happen ... and happen in a big way! I applaud you and feel pleased that RMEF shined the light on this wonderful story. May your good acts come to be repaid tenfold.

Believe me, just being there when Dan shot that bull, and turned around with that smile, was already repaid tenfold.............May have had a little help from the man upstairs shining down on me when Randy and I were wolf hunting too. Maybe a little karma there;)
Mine came yesturday...wife read it on her lunch break...she was almost in tears...she followed it on here too....was a great read Matt...your name was only wrong once from what I saw.
Cancer sucks, but it does allow us to say goodbye...heart wrecks and other don't afford us that...but it prolongs the victims time in pain....
I am glad to know there are so many hunters that were willing to pitch in...and that there are still hunters like Matt who really get what it is all about...glad to know the guy!!!!! Glad to be appart of this forum!
My copy arrived a few days ago, so when today's plans fell through, I picked it up and read it cover to cover.
My hat's off to you Matt, and all the others who pitched in.

Several other good reads in this months issue also.

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