Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Right handed/ Left eye dominate


New member
Jul 13, 2013
My daughter is 4, she is right handed, but due to amblyopia she is left eye dominate. She was legally blind in her right eye last August and had improved considerably,but I don't think she will ever become right eye dominate.
Anyone have any experience with being opposite? I'm wondering if teaching her to shoot left handed would be better than her putting her face across to use her left eye?
I'm right handed but left eye dominate. I shoot rifles and bows left handed I tried every method out there to try and shoot right handed but couldn't find anything that worked for me. Honestly just have her shoot left and don't look back. I actually find that it's easier to articulate a bolt action rifle, and load shotgun shells shooting this way as I have better fine motor with my right hand.
I am left eye dominant, shoot a shotgun left handed, and the rest right handed, rifle, turkey gun, muzzy and bow. For my bow I actually have both eyes open and it was tough at first but you can retrain your right eye to become dominant over the left, it helps that the peep is close to the right eye.
As long as I can remember I have been shooting left handed for rifle and shotgun. But I shoot my bow right handed. I think she will be able to learn to shoot left handed just fine. It's weird because I can shoot right handed just as well as I can left handed but just prefer to hold the rifle left handed?
My son is right hand dominant and left eye dominant. I trained him to shoot lefty. He's on a rifle team and is NRA expert riflemen at this point.
Sounds like someone needs to be burned as a witch!

Just kidding. You can't do that in America anymore thanks to political correctness.

Train to shoot left handed. It's no handicap.
Both my boys are the same way and are being taught to shoot left handed. The eye opener, pun intended, for me was when my oldest got a BB gun. He couldn't shoot worth beans. Then I figured out he was trying to aim with his left eye. Made the switch and his shooting greatly improved. While there are not near the LH options in firearms as RH, it's probably the best it's ever been.
If you can teach her from the very beginning to shoot lefty, things will go much more smoothly down the road. Once you've already learned righty, it can be a major struggle to relearn lefty.

Cross dominance is extremely common in women anyway. Many people struggle for years because they don't realize cross dominance is the issue. I would work with it rather than try to fight it, especially when you have the opportunity to start working on it at such a young age. If she learns lefty for rifle shooting and such, eventually it will make it much easier to pick up wingshooting where eye dominance is more impactful.
Ben Lamb needs to be sent to a Re-edumacation Kamp for sensitivity training. Us cross-eye dominants have rights and feelings too! I am cross dominant and taught myself to shoot with my non-dominant eye before I ever knew there was such a thing. I am ambidextrous shooting right or left handed with firearms and shoot archery right handed with both eyes open.

My daughter is cross dominant and I am teaching her to shoot left handed. She's only 6 so I don't know how we'll approach having her shoot a bow.
I am right handed and left eye dominant. Its just not an issue. I do shoot shot gun and archery with both eyes open.
Ben Lamb needs to be sent to a Re-edumacation Kamp for sensitivity training. Us cross-eye dominants have rights and feelings too! I am cross dominant and taught myself to shoot with my non-dominant eye before I ever knew there was such a thing. I am ambidextrous shooting right or left handed with firearms and shoot archery right handed with both eyes open.

My daughter is cross dominant and I am teaching her to shoot left handed. She's only 6 so I don't know how we'll approach having her shoot a bow.
From my experience with my oldest son, I'd lean heavily towards teaching her to shoot LH. I didn't and he got very frustrated. I'm to the point now I won't let him shoot "his" bow. We'll get back to archery once I get a LH bow for him to shoot.
I am left eye dominant, shoot a shotgun left handed, and the rest right handed, rifle, turkey gun, muzzy and bow. For my bow I actually have both eyes open and it was tough at first but you can retrain your right eye to become dominant over the left, it helps that the peep is close to the right eye.

Im not sure with her vision problems that her right eye could be retrained to be dominate, right now she has no depth perception in it and we are hoping to avoid surgery to fix its alignment. But maybe with time and her being young enough it will be a option later..
Thank you all for the advice. we had her shooting .22 at the range right handed and it was very awkward, with the head tilt. We will start doing left handed. She's a fan of Big Fin and alway asks if we're going to watch Randy hunting on YouTube.
I'm the same and getting true ambidextrous stocks can be a problem. I have learnt to use my right hand to cycle the bolt and keep my trigger hand on the stock. This can work well but I am thinking of going truly lefty so as to maximise the number of rifles I can choose from. That being said the best I have found for a lefty righty is the Tikka T3 which has probably all I need anyway!

I am right handed a everything but shooting. Teach her to shoot left handed.
I tried hard to learn to shoot a bow right handed a few years ago, and it felt unnatural after learning left handed. I inherited a weak right eye; my dad has the same condition and we both shoot left handed. Its not a handicap, and you can usually find left handed bows and rifles at a deal!
I am left handed, when we were learning to shoot, all Dad had were right handed rifles, that is what I shot, that is what I still shoot. I can shoot handguns with either, the only rifle I've successfully killed a buck left handed with was my AR. It will probably be harder for you to teach her to shoot left handed than it will be for her to learn, that is if you are right handed.
My daughter is 4, she is right handed, but due to amblyopia she is left eye dominate. She was legally blind in her right eye last August and had improved considerably,but I don't think she will ever become right eye dominate.
Anyone have any experience with being opposite? I'm wondering if teaching her to shoot left handed would be better than her putting her face across to use her left eye?

I share the same affliction and so does my son. I learned to shoot lefty at a very early age and never looked back. My right eye was 20/300 so I didnt have much choice! I had Lasik done on it a few years ago and now I can shoot a rifle with either, it just feels very unnatural to do it with my right hand after 30-some years of doing it with my left.
I taught someone to shoot that was like that, I just didn't see how they'd handle heavy calibres in that style so I told them to just shoot left handed. They got the hang of it and now are fine.

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