Rifle Scope...........

I just bought the Lepould VXL 6.5 to 20 by 56 then I shipped it off to the custom shop and had them build a bullet drop comp for my 300 win mag they say its good out to 850 yards but I don't feel to good beyond 600 with NO wind I have only put 60 rds down range so far but I have killed a lot of paper plates!! For the winers those type of shot are shot from prone only with a solid rest with only my check and finger touching the trigger

That's what I was thinking of doing...something with a bullet drop compensation. Although, I've heard really good things about the Shepherd scopes that do this. Thoughts on Shepherd?
I own the Burris Fullfield in 3x9x40. Its a good scope for the price level - a lower end medium level scope. I don't use the Ballistic Plex feature - I have my rifle sighted in for its MPBR. Shots up to 300 yards are held dead on, I drop eight inches at 400 yards. I don't shoot much past 400 yards.

In preparing for my sheep hunt, I have bought Swarovski binoculars. They've ruined me optically. Once you've played with great glass, everything else seems dark. I'm slowly going to upgrade the rest of my optics to the top three over the next few years. For a rifle scope, I'll probably consider the Zeiss Conquest and the Swaros. The Swaros seem light for their size.
elk hunter not to sure about shepherd scopes I don't know any thing about them. When you send your scope to Lepould they will ask for bullet type, bullet weight, BC, feet per sec (out of your gun) not what the manufacture says, average altitude, average temp, etc.... then they build your drop comp with that info for that round. If you want to change rds send in the new info and $90 and the will build a new one !! I paid 250 for mine but I got windage also. The cost up front is a little more but after that its not bad
I'll second what Miller said. I have the VXIII 4.5-14 x 40 on my .300 and like it. You can get one brand new with warranty on ebay for $489 with the duplex and $550 with the B&C reticle. For the negligible price and weight difference you're picking up more power. When I've forgotten binoculars the extra 4x magnification came in handy.

If you go with the duplex reticle you can send the scope in to the Leupold custom shop and for $160 total get a custom BDC elevation dial like Muley Crazy's got. It's s'posed to be pretty cool. You just need to have your load info handy and stick with the same load for good results.

I don't know why you're worried about a rifle scope though, sounds like with the tags you drew 380" bulls will lick the sweat off the soles of your feet while they're hanging out the truck window. All you have to do is open the door, unzip your pants, club them over the head and load them up. :)
BuzzH and I are on the same page. Nothing but a dot and crosshairs for me. I LOVE the Leupold dot/cpc reticle.
I've tried superfine crosshairs, balisticplex, duplex, peep-plex (Burris), European post reticles, milldot, etc... I've found that the more dots, lines, brackets, arrows, and numbers you have floating around in the ocular end tends to totally distact you to the point of causing you to forget where your sights are pointed when the rifle goes off. Least it does for me.
I'm a Leupold snob (all my rifles have them) but I've got to admit that there are brighter and clearer scopes out there. Most Leupolds come from the factory with their depth of field focused at 200 yards, and that's why they don't appear to be so clear at 100. For most ranges it's clear enough.
Gave my brother a 50mm Leupold, and he loves it and it fits his rifle great. It's great for looking at the craters on the moon.
I don't have any scopes with an objective bigger than 42 or 44 mm. On my .257 Wthby, I have a 4.5-14 Nikon with the BDC. Since the Wthby shoots so flat, I have not yet used the compensation function of the reticle. On 2 Tikka T-3 Lites in .243 and .300 Win, I have 4.5-14 x 40 Burris Short Mag scopes. On everything else, I have 3-9 x 40 scopes, except for my .358 which has a Leupold Compact variable that goes up to 8x.
If I had my druthers, all my big game rifles would be wearing fixed power scopes. Just less to go wrong and they're a bit lighter. I like Leupold for their ruggedness and warranty, plus thier optically good enough for me. A riflescope is just a place to hold your sights, binos and spotters are where I'd be concered with optically superiority.

PS- I doubt one gets that much more light gathering ability with a 50mm vs a 40mm. Any exit pupil over about 5mm is wasted because our eyes can't adjust any more than that.
I remember reading that Leupold's compact ( I think it was 2.5 - 8 x 33) was actually their brightest scope, as it is easier to get smaller lenses matched. That is the scope I have on my .358, and it is a great one.

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