Raghorn Express!

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
with my schedule and priorities upside down, I had just a couple days to hunt elk this year....in 70 degree weather.

Opening morning by 8:30 I had 4 raghorns in sight but out of range...couldn't get much closer to close the distance. The smallest bull then started walking directly towards me and stopped at a comfortable 312 yards.

I lined up the shot, and pulled the trigger.

He rubber legged and collapsed.

Perfect example of a Colorado raghorn.

All grins before the multiple trips out in 70 degree weather.
My father in law had to do the same thing on the last day first season after getting lucky with only 9 points to get his 61 tag... But a full freezer is what's it all about, congrats!
I know all too well the feeling of a rushed hunt. Truthfully, my reason for speeding through so many of them ends up being work more often than family! It is too easy to get caught up in the speed of life and forget to enjoy the outdoors. I've cut the trip short for myself and others 2 of the last 3 years. This year, I have committed to stay at least 6 days of the 9 day season. Congrats on your bull. Steaks in the freezer, another trophy and a great story.
What brand and model of scope is that. Found out I broke my scope on a early hunt and am in need of a replacement
Congrats on a great bull because any bull looks the same once it's in the freezer.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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