Quiet's Spelling issue


New member
Oct 9, 2004
Joliet, Illinois
I am starting this due to the fact that I saw her comments and what people were saying. First of all I do not wish to offend anyone and I agree with everyone having their own oppinion. That being said, I am Quiets husband. My full screen name is Joliet Bandit. I wanted to do this because i have alot to say to alot of those who responded both supportive and those being plain rude. First and foremost, those who supported I want to say thank you for backing her up. She does not know how to type very well and when she tries to type something she wants to get it out before she forgets any of it so that explains some of the typos. I am however working with her to teach her how to type without making too many mistakes. I will admit I am not perfect with my typing nor will I ever be. I will not mention any names but I will say thanks to those who backed her up and tried to help decifer( I believe thats how its spelled ) what she was trying to get said. Thanks for all your support and help I greatly appreciate it form all of those who helped. Both men and women :D (I don't want to forget anyone lol) alike. I don't know how to repay you guys (and gals ) for what you did. And now for those who tried to make a mokery out of what she said. neither Quiet nor myself are offended. As you can see there are probably alot of typos even from me. That's part of being people we never are perfect bot even with oppinions. That's why they are called oppinions. I for one say if you slow down and really read what she posts, you can understand it just like everyone else. Thanks you guys (and gals) and have a pleasant day, evening, oh heck........................WHATEVR!!!!!!!
I am with ya all the way dude, ppl should not be held accountable for what they say or dont, some ppl just want to try to make ppl look bad G2H
I am with you too. I have talked to her in chat and I think some people ar exaggerating the whole thing a little bit. I think this post might be better heard in Fireside (or what ever it is called here), more people will stop to read it. You have my support in this!!

shes a good person and we all get ahead of ourselves no dig deal unless you got nothin better to do then poke fun at ppl . we all need to be polite and carefree and feel that we are safe here with FRIENDS to write and enjoy this great site
Glad to hear your take on the whole matter Bandit. I have to agree with Orca on this one, I think this will get more traffic in Fireside so I am moving it there. Hope you don't mind.
Thanks for the statement Bandit. I found that it took a little longer to read, but there was no lack of understanding what she was trying to say. I am pleased to see her on here posting, and you as well. Sometimes people open there mouth, or type, before they think. But like you said, none of us are perfect. I just hope that what has transpired in some of the posts does not lead to bad feelings and that you both continue to visit and participate here at Hunt Talk. There are a lot of very good people here, and I don't think any of them really wish to hurt anyone. The Hunt Talk members contribute os lot of help to fellow hunters, and a lot of information for everyone.
OK, I was Out of town and Wasn;'t here for the whole thing but I have a Few things to say and Ask.

1. Was the Typing jsut bad like mine or is she mentally Challenged ? I'm not trying to be offensive but If she jsut types bad then I don't see any reason why anyone should get slapped for poking a little fun. Look at how I type, I get teased DAILY on how I type, Sure I can learn to type better but don't care. If she is mentally challenged or Retarded like KK called her, then once that was made known then NO one would have EVER said anything. It's one think to poke fun at someone that should know better (Like me) but another to soemone thats trying.

2. Why should gunner get Banned and not 6 other people ? Grant it Gunner goes over the Lines sometimes but if you go back and Re-read what he posted, he was makeing more Fun at ElkChsr then quiet_one. If banning is to take place, lets make it fair. At 6 others to that list. And, Let's Add 30 others that make funn of how I type.

3. BAndit, to come on here and Make a sain post like that proves you arte a good cat my friend !! Truely, Kudos to your Post.

Everyone knows that gunner is a hunting buddy of mine, No secret, Delw Runs the Board for me and Mojave is my Sister. I'm not putting anyone desision first. I'm jsut saying it's also known that Gunner has gotten of a couple admins Nerves and the others making the rude replies haven't so He got the Ax. I'm all about fair.

Just think about it. Just my Humble .02 worth.
We'll I guess I am going to post now..... Figured I would try to clear this up

1st off I think bandit sees it the same way I do.

Know one knew the deal about quiet_one, the guys in SI play pretty rough, Thats NOT why I banned Elkgunner.

The way things have been going in SI is fine with most of the guys in there and hey more power to them. I dont read it that much. I really dont care whats said in SI and if it gets to nasty or someone emails me I will go and take a look, maybe lock a thread.

I also dont have problems with gunner, sometimes he does get out of hand and I will say something, I think he understands that. but after the last little time out, I said heck with it . I am not going to worry about SI

SO I log on to the board get 5 pms blah blah blah. I read the announcement section first and see elkgunners post, then I see mojave say something to elkgunner like to knock it off... Then he continues and she locks the thread. to me on that thread elkgunner went overboard and I believe he knows it. so I banned him.
Just dont take the crap from SI and bring it to another forum outside of SI and everything will be fine.

As far as the quiet_one. in all honesty it doesnt make any difference if someone cant type correctly ( like a few of us) wether they are retarded(as some have said) wether they are slow etc.. Point I am trying to make is no one knows who is typeing behind a keyboard, they dont know who the person is or what there mental capability is.
I would have done the same thing wether there is a problem or not. Also I didnt read the whole thread in SI anyhow. In my opinion what happenes there is fine as long as its not brought to other threads ( Like elkgunner has done in the past and at this particualr time)

People are what they are and thats just a fact of life, I am sure elkgunner and alot of the others that posted in there are kinda eating Crow when they read the real story.

My son has Downsyndrom and if it bothered me that people were calling others stupid and retarted I would have been on a banning spree a long time ago, half of SI would have been gone ;)

Oh yeah BTW I only put him on a 2 week ban anyhow, when I first went to do it I was going to do it permanetly but being the softy I am ;) I figured 2 weeks, beisdes I would have forgotten to unbann him and would have felt bad.

I've forgotten to unban someone before. :D Or did I do that on purpose? Hmmm ;)
I did ban myself once by accident on the old board, Nut still gets a kick out of that.
On the old board when you bann a admin that admin cant get back on at all and no one can unbann him except the person who did the ban( in which case was myself). so I had to go in and edit the config file, and really messed that up. good thing I made a back up that time ;)


I suppose I would have some responsibility for bringing Quiet into the forums in the first place, I run in and chat with her, yes some times it is pretty hard to figure it out. But along with that, you learn patience, I thought that maybe she had dyslexia or some thing of that nature and since I went to school with people afflicted with that problem, tried to help some. These were perfectly normal people that just had a little problem on the reading end of things. Big deal...
Where I really see the problem is that some of those here on this board think that if you don't have the education they do, or the grasp of life as only they have it, that you are absolutly stupid and make it a point to not let it go. It is their little way to feel like a king I guess...
Any way, I thought she seems to be a nice girl and really didn't need the crap that those with an inferiority complex seem have the need to dish out onto almost every one else...
I really don't care about what I get, I have a thick enough skin to be able to handle such small witted comments and am really thankful that we have admins that are capable enough to put an end to such small behavior when it is really needed and that is all the admins that jumped in...
Just my thoughts on the subject.
I for one am glad that Quiet and Bandit are here with us, they have a good insight to add to the conversations.

I didnt think spelling was so import to people here. if there going to be picking for spelling. shoot we all miss spell words. I for one cant spell worth a SHIT. Just ask Nut.
LOL Doris....
It is a huge issue to a couple people and I am not sure if they can even sleep at night when they have read some thing that has been mispeled or a sentens that has been done putt togther imprpr... improppe.... wrong... :)
I know that I’ve given people (eg: Moosie for example ;)) some good natured ribbing in the past on their typing/spelling prowess…that being said, it was NEVER meant to be malicious in nature and if it has EVER sounded so- I duly apologize for that! I’m no candidate to teach at the Sylvan Learning Center myself, I just “usually” look at what I have written prior to pulling the trigger.

In short, a belated welcome to HuntTalk Quiet One and Bandit!
Yes it good to look to make sure. put to some of us we look and we dont see the miss spelled word they look fine to us. I for one cant wright some word out but can spell them out to you and not get them wrong but dont ask me to put it on paper. :D

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