Quiet's Spelling issue

Bandit, You are a lucky guy. QuietOne is a sweet lovely lady and as Moosie has proven, spelling don't mater.. it jus don'e matter.. Ignore the people with serious issues regarding spelling.. Heck, some people have serious issues with me. Can you imagine that? Issues with me.. Hmmph.. Just shows how silly some people can be.

Actually I can pretty much live with folks spelling as I make plenty of mistake myself. I do try to give it the once over before I hit the post button, but still miss stuff. I just remember the one post and after reading it several times I still did not know what the message was (of course I am pretty slow in reading comprehension to start with). :D

Bandit I am sure your wife is a great person and good for you coming here and straighting things out. Obviously many folks here know your wife and feel she is a good person as well.

My only point, give a little review before you hit the post button. I hope quiet_one continues to post, but a little review will help things out in the future.

Hopefully this didn't offend too many folks, but if that was the case, better give me two weeks in the corner to learn my lesson.

hmm dont know what say but bush seems be prob most important we payin taxes in no one this year i know got good tax return not us anyway he also tryin have us pay in social security bs becouse if we pay in we dont get anyway only ones have now im angry
I am sorry if I caused quiet_one any grief over her posts. I thoughtless copied and pasted some of her posts onto a thread. I didn't mean any harm and can see now that was not right. So again I am sorry for this.

QuietOne and Bandit,

Thankyou for clearing things up and taking all this in stride. The guys in S I (including myself) play a little rough and some times go over the top. I won't throw stones about anyones spelling, you can count on that! I have to admit that I busted a gut over Fecl's post, but just didn't have time to respond in a smart ass way. So for that, give me fifty lashings.
Wow Dan people have serious issues with you. now that is a hard one to belive Dan. :D :)

AS for Quiet I think it is great that she is here to put her input in to the post. And I hope she will keep posting. I give here credit for coming in here to make post.
I still want to know if She is Mentally challenged or just can't type. No offence by the question but I would just like to know, I don't go to chat and don't know .

Elkchsr, the reason Gunner singles you out on Spelling is there are times you post either correcting him or typig big words trying to battle and you jsut shouldn't. that would be like Me throwing in big words when I post, It jsut looks silly. You're sart enough with the issues jsut to point out the facts. You'd do much better if you did just that.
Thats why I don't visit SI much anymore.
I used to get a kick out of the give and take in there, but it has gotten way to mean spirited for my taste.

Keep your chin up quiet_one.

P.S. Moosie give me a jingle I got a couple ??? about camcorders.
I've chatted with Quiet_One several times and if she's deficient in any avenues, I have yet to find them. Hang in there girl, you're alright in my book! :)
ok found it im not good at finding hwere to go little slow there and yes moosie im slow could never type right or even say words corretly but makin progress i do feel bad i do type half word sentences becouse i dont have lots time to type out paragrhaes always someone or something i have do when i get on puter kinda aanoying but i thought people would still understand what i tryed say anyway no problem i will not go against anyone some or have a grudge aint just me anyway i do need know where to put quote i think i might have good one :D
Q1 is a great gal! Let's all give her some slack. Not all of us are Ivy league graduates! Let's all just enjoy our conversations with all spelling and grammar errors. After all, who here thinks they're better than anyone else in our close knit group.....Gunner excluded LOL!
hey hey again i say it no big problem glad yall good friends i aint mad just shocked becouse i happen to get people into fights without trying huh well it no biggie i accept apologies from whoever i already told i accept no biggie man i got huge probs with people in person and it worse plus hey w eall can be odd or weird or pain at tikems hey it dont last forever so thanks guys wish i meet ya all in person prob strat fight lmao bye now :eek: such cute icon had to post it hehey
Elkchsr, the reason Gunner singles you out on Spelling is there are times you post either correcting him or typig big words trying to battle and you jsut shouldn't. that would be like Me throwing in big words when I post, It jsut looks silly. You're sart enough with the issues jsut to point out the facts. You'd do much better if you did just that.
LMAO Moosie...
Is that what he told you :eek:
He usually starts in on me with that argument when he is out of ammunition... OOps Big word again.... Bullets... There we go... :D
I did at one time try and clean up my spelling problems, but found that wasn't even good enough, so now he gets what he gets :)
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