Pronghorn strategy


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
Not Virginia anymore!
I'm going to start building up some points for a Wyoming hunt. For someone who has only shot one little 12" buck, is there really that much of difference between a unit that takes 4-5 points to draw compared to one that you can draw every other year? I'll keep hunting Montana every year so I'll be either way, but I want to treat myself to a quality hunt in the next few years. I don't want units from anyone. Just a general feeling to help me decide what to do with points.
There are some excellent pronghorn hunters on this site, and I really look forward to their responses on this topic... My limited experience is that easier to draw units tend to have more crowding, or less public land, or both.
I'm no expert but if you are willing to spend the $ for the special draw you can hunt units that typically require 2-3 points just about every year. I have also noticed that there are still some good hunts to be had with leftover tags. One of the biggest antelope I saw all last season was in unit 22 on public land which had lots of leftover tags. The public land was spread out and you had to read the map closely or have a gps but it was there. My 2 cents.
There are some excellent pronghorn hunters on this site, and I really look forward to their responses on this topic... My limited experience is that easier to draw units tend to have more crowding, or less public land, or both.

That's the impression I've gotten too. I think I already know the answer to my question, but just wanted a little reinforcement. The area I hunt in Montana has VERY limited public land for antelope. When I do get down to Wyoming, I'll probably focus on areas with large chunks of state and BLM. I don't mind driving around and spotting, but it doesn't feel as much of a hunt when I'm only hunting a section or two of land at a time.
.... is there really that much of difference between a unit that takes 4-5 points to draw compared to one that you can draw every other year?

What's the difference between a $300 fishing rod and a $50 fishing rod? $250. Not trying to be a smart ass, but my buddies fishing rod joke is a good analogy.

Yeah, there are differences. Mostly in the amount of access. The quality of bucks in WY are not that much better in the units that take 4-5 years to draw, compared with some of the other units. There may be a higher proportion in some units, but not enough to justify the extra time it takes to draw the tag.

Look, Dunc, you have hunted the checkerboard of MT. WY has bigger tracts of public land than MT does. And in some spots it is a lot like here. If you have figured out how to do that here, you will be fine in WY.

If there is one thing I observe in WY, is that the tucked away public places, or the smaller tracts, seem to get overlooked. I always look for them. Fewer hunters, less pressure, and often the place the single old buck is hanging out.

Same with the units not promoted by research services. Give me any unit in Sweetwater, Natrona, Freemont, Carbon Counties, and I will find a buck in the high 70's, if I have four days. No secrets, as every research service points to units in those counties. There are some nearby counties where I have seen plenty of big bucks on public land, and those nearby counties are more overlooked, thus easier to draw tags.

Last year, you had a 100% chance to draw hunt 32-2 in either the high dollar or low dollar draw. It is a better hunt than any antelope tag I have had in Montana or Colorado. There are B&C bucks in Unit 32.

Two years ago I had a spare day, waiting for the film crew to arrive, so I went looking in Unit 32. Lots of antelope that year. Some nice bucks. I would bet if you looked over enough bucks during the course of a four or five day hunt, you would find a high 70's buck, and maybe bigger. You will find lots of bucks for sure.

Now that I have typed that, Unit 32 is down tubes. I use that example, but there are other units where you will have good draw odds, even in the regular draw. Mostly it is a function of going and doing it, learning while you are there, then going back and capitalizing on what you learned in previous years.

Any unit you draw will be more fun than you can have for that price, within the bounds of legality and morality.

As the Nike commercial says, "Just Do It!"
Thank ya sir. The reason I ask is because there's on outside chance I'll only be around for another year or two. If I can go ahead and make a go of it while I'm out here it would save me the trouble of flying back out, squeezing a hunt into a predetermined amount of days, and then having to pay to ship the meat home. At the same time, I don't want to sacrifice one of the few chances I'll likely have at an out-of-state hunt just to save a few bucks. I'd rather do it right once or twice even it cost more than half arse it while I'm out here. Either way, I know if I have to go back East I'll get sick of sitting in a treestand eventually I will find a way back out here even if I'm forced to sleep on the couch for several months.
I'm banking points only because my next hunt I want to be able to look over more area/public land.I've bought 2 left overs in unit 45 over the last 2 years and hunted the HMA out there.Theres always a couple real nice bucks there.First year I went the 2nd week and it was a ghost town as far as hunters went and got my biggest.Last year opening day was a zoo,but alot of fun.Went the 2nd day and again it was like a ghost town.I killed a smaller buck then on a really cool stalk.I took him because I was leaving in an hour to head to my elk camp,and didn't have time to work deeper.I watched a big one head over a mountain into an unhunted spot on that HMA.Its unhunted because you have to walk in there about a mile.I think you can do well as the season goes on in the HMA's in left over units.I'm most likely going to miss that hunt this year.It is one of the most fun hunts I've done though.If you have the time, hunt a left over,and bank your point.You will find some good bucks and less pressure a few days into season.Can't tell you if the areas that require more points are worth it yet since I haven't done it,but would imagine it will allow you to look over more animals over a larger area

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