Caribou Gear Tarp

Prime time shiny coin trick

Cyber security was a lobbed softball...Donald sat there with the bat on his shoulder. She was under his skin all evening...."bigly".
Madame stayed on message pandering to her beloved fringe but not once missed an opportunity to maintain her patent smug facade.

Lester Holt is a Madame cheerleader...fact.

We are %^*#'d.

Nice recap. You save me 90 minutes:hump:
This actually has a lot to do with hunting. For example, his face reminded me of a hunter's vest, faded orange from years of use and frayed around the edges. His performance was like that of an elk that knew he had to bugle, but hadn't bothered to learn how it was done, settling instead to piss all over himself and blame others for the smell. She was smug, like one of those damn bulls just across the fence on private land. :D:D:D
Many people don't know what a lie is. The media often imputes to another a meaning that, objectively, can't be pulled from the statement, and then they call it a lie. For instance, the absence of a qualifier does not necessarily mean the universal was intended. "Apples are red" does not mean all apples are red. Am I a liar for having said apples are red? Apples are also yellow. You might say that I *should* have said "Some apples are red." But my failure to add that qualifier does not make me a liar.

In context, Bill Clinton was indeed correct when he stated that it depends on what the definition of is is. But the media often imputes a: "Yeah, well, we all know what he meant to say, and that's wrong, ergo he's a liar." The problem with the media is, they don't see that most people see though this and actually hate them more than the speaker. Not all Mexicans are rapists, and questioning Obama's citizenship is not racism (it's nationalism, by the way). But they want to make it what they want to make it, for ratings, and because they are part of the establishment hell-bent on preventing any threat to their paradigm.

I watched about five minutes of the debate and then switched to a movie. I get so frustrated in the candidates inability to respond as I think they should. They could really educate America if they were quicker on their feet. Just as Obama could have taken Joe the Plumber apart but failed to do so, these are missed opportunities and they are frustrating. We either end up with people who get flustered or they stick to empty rhetoric with no meaning.

I must confess that I am no good at it either. Like most people, I always think of what I should have said, after the moment has passed. But as my wife said, these candidates keep getting the same questions day after day and you'd think their people would have helped them drill down on laconic, educational responses; teachable moments. In the end, I have to forgive the candidates their humanity and realize that these debates are not all that illuminating. Nor do they give us much insight into how the candidates would handle most situations they will be confronted with. Other world leaders and enemies don't conduct themselves like Lester Holt, et al, nor do they act like the opposing candidate. Debates are rather worthless.

If we really want to know what these people think, their thoughts must be articulated in writing, in response to well-thought-out questions. The fact that so many Americans hang their hats on appearance and demeanor, and fail to read, says more about them than it does the candidate. And we wonder why we get the kind of candidates we get. I think we deserve them.
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Season 6 of Portlandia is pretty good.

NYH is a sour puss this morning. Must not have had enough vino for his veritas. :)
I hope your TV survived the night. :)

Yeah I just had to wash the puke off it this morning. What a shit show that was. One would think that candidates who have been on the campaign trail for this long would know these issues inside and out.

Trump whining like a little bitch about Hillary not being "nice" in the ads against him. Grow a pair.

Hillary stating the police (and everyone in America) has "implicit bias" WTF is implicit bias?

Yeah I just had to wash the puke off it this morning. What a shit show that was. One would think that candidates who have been on the campaign trail for this long would know these issues inside and out.

Trump whining like a little bitch about Hillary not being "nice" in the ads against him. Grow a pair.

Hillary stating the police (and everyone in America) has "implicit bias" WTF is implicit bias?


Pardon the salty language.
Good analysis here, noting that Hillary started lying with her first comments when she said "Donald, it is good to be with you." The mainstream media fact checkers failed to report that.
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