POW in '04 or '05?


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
Is anyone still interested? With the wife going to Italy next April, next spring is out and depending on draws I may not be able to swing next fall. But, what about starting to plan for '04 with moving them back to '05 as a backup????

I could likely be talked into going back to POW, but it does not take that much planning. I would always kind of think of it as a "Plan B" hunt.

My interest is in killin' a Bear, as I got Dad a biggun' up there a few years ago. If I can kill one down here, my interest is a bit less.

I had a nice little one coming into a Bait site this past Spring, that would have been a good bear if allowed to grow up, but Moosie shot it....
'Gunner- Did you drive or fly? I'd like to drive so as to see more country and if I go in the fall, help get home the blacktails. I have been in touch with a local who's said he'd help if need be. Did you guys rent a USFS cabin or go tent style?
HAHA... UHhhh FUGG YOU !!!!

We'll shoot that MOMMA that Bluffed charged me that one night.. I got my Eyes set for her !!! She's a Bigun' and I'm taking her out like a cheerleader on prom night !!!

Uhhhh but this topic was about POW.... I'm probably not in. But, Carry on
Only way I might be interested in 05 is if I don't go in 04, or I don't kill anything on POW in 04...which is very likely knowing me.

Oh, and the only hunt I am doing on POW is the fall hunt.

Wonder where all the people are who jumped on this idea the first time around?
I think it is about the same 4 of us that talked about it last time...

1_ptr, last time we did a cabin over in Thorne Bay (on the East Side). And although it was fun, I wouldn't do it for serious Black Tail hunting.

I have never taken the Ferry over, I have always flown to Ketchikan, and then catch the float plane over.

I think it all kind of matters on what you are planning on hunting, how mobile you need to be, and where you are planning on hunting.

Is this the BEST choice for Blacktail? What about Kodiak for Blacktail?

Here is a pic, from above on POW....

Here is a "side view" of POW... See, Skiff hunting would be easy...

And it is easy to find something to drink up there...
Ovis- Depending on what I draw this spring, I may be interested in this fall as well. I'll keep that option open, if I'm welcome.

'Gunner- Thanks for the pics. The local has helped make some of those bare areas. I'm not sure which town he's in, but could find out. I wouldn't mind flying if there would be a way I could get the blacktail meat back cheaper than it cost Moosie for the caribou!

So, right now, I'm leaning toward this fall if I don't draw and definitely the following fall.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-10-2003 07:45: Message edited by: 1_pointer ]</font>
Don't go for fall if you want Bear meat. It is barely edebile even in spring most of the time.

Remember for your fall plans that the Bear and the Deer are 2 different hunts. The Bear are on the fish creeks and the Deer hunt is a backpack type high mountain hunt.

This last Sept was a very hard bear hunt with hard rains and high water and a very low Berry crop. That makes for difficult Bear hunting. Also lots of no visibility mounaintop deer days.
Are you kidding me EG? I can't comment from experience, but from the information that is available all fingers point to Kodiak as being the best place on earth for Sitka Blacktail. Problem is POW is much easier to get to with the rig, plus I can hunt bear there without acquiring a permit. I like the fact I can go for a mixed bag.

1ptr- you are more than welcome to join me if I go this fall. However, I will not know for sure if I can do it for some time yet. But like Gunner said, this is a hunt that can be thrown together pretty quick like...that is another advantage to hunting POW.

Johnnie- Haven't forgot the pointers. If I go, I plan to take enough time off to hunt for both species, both high and low. I followed Pat's hunt with you on the Bowsite, so I know the rain was havic on you guys this year. Would it be reasonable to say due to the rain there were probably fewer bears taken this year and next years population would be looking good? maybe more of the larger bears too?
Think I'm going for 3 weeks in May, brown bear the first 10 days, and blacks on POW for the rest.

I'll buy the first round of Crown n Cokes, should we be in the same place at the same time.

Johnnie your web page has lots of good info. Thanks for sharing your wisdom on the subject.

Would it be reasonable to say due to the rain there were probably fewer bears taken this year and next years population would be looking good?

Not necessarily. The kill seems to be growing at least by 10% a year no mater what the weather. Skip says when they bring a head and hide in with one hand in a small grocery sack "you got a nice apartment size Bear there!!!!!"

Many small Bears taken this fall.

maybe more of the larger bears too?

Thats the good thing about POW is that the Jumbo Bears are there. Also the Jumbo bucks. During fall hunts like this last you have to get smarter than the Bear. I called in Howie's with a deer call. It wasen't a booner but a good'un any way.

And for Pat's hunt the had writing was on the wall. We cut our losses and licked our wounds. a rifle hunter would have been a different story ........MAYBE

And remember Kodiak kills over 10,000 (hunter kills) per season to get less B&C book bucks than POW does with 2,500 hunter kills per year.
David ......

Where for Brown Bear?

Thanks for the kind words about my site. if you take that info and make it useful on your adventure then you've done a good job.

I enjoy telling the stories.

Yes Skip the Taxidermist / wolf trapper / father of my ace Guide Bobby ...... You know the guy that don't talk much

As always, thanks for the info. You bring up a good point about Kodiak and POW. I guess you could consider POW as quality as opposed to Kodaik for quantity. I've always wanted to go to Kodiak...something about the scenery. I've hunted conditions like POW, and it is some tough hunting once you start having to climb.


Maybe one reason I am not so flexible is because I have the Peninsula on my mind. BUT you know, a good back-up plan might be hunting POW for blackies this spring if I can't recruit someone to go along with me to King Salmon. When are you bringing those adoption forms over?

Yeah, Skip kinda likes to visit, just a bit. How did his wife's battles with health issues turn out? They were fighting a tough one when we were there..


Well.... May in POW could be an idea.... That way my hunting license for Fall would be 1/2 way amortized...
Johnnie: haven't quite landed on a precise location for browns yet. You and I discussed it a bit today, though you probably didn't realize it's me.

I'll definitely return the favor and give you the scoop on my hunts, both before and after.
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