Caribou Gear Tarp

POW Cabin / Boat Rental for Spring Bear


Well-known member
May 12, 2006
Somewhere in Montana
5 of us are looking at doing POW for black bear this May. We are thinking about the 3rd through like the 8th. Any comments on the timing of this trip? We are also looking for cabin and boat rentals. I have already talked to several outfits that do have availability but wanted to know if anyone out there has first hand experience with any of them and good things to report.


Timing is everything when it comes to bears, we've had a fair amount of snow this year but things can change in a hurry. It's been in the 40's the last couple of days plus it's rained a little to so the snow has melted some. I would talk to the people your renting from to ask about your timing, they would be the one's that would know more than I would since your hunting further south from where i'm at. Good luck.
Hi elk wisper
I have a cabin boat vehicle rental and transporter service on pow hollis
I am already booked for this year. this winter has been pretty comparable to last year maybe a little more snow up high a little less in the lower elivations . last season the bear were a little scarce the 1st and 2nd week exspesily in the northern parts of the island . I would gues it will be the same this year . alot depense on when the grass on the beaches starts growing
generaly 2nd 3rd week is prime time.
I am looking for the same planning for 2019/2020 depending on the draw and looking for boat/car rental and cabin or camping gear for a trip, we would be flying in and need the gear and transportation we can’t bring with us. Just starting the planning and logistics process. Looking for advice as to where to go and stay.
If the weather doesn't warm up I am going to be in trouble as I am going the second week in may....

Props to using the search function to find the decade old thread lol .
If the weather doesn't warm up I am going to be in trouble as I am going the second week in may....

Props to using the search function to find the decade old thread lol .

Good luck and be sure to let us know how you do. Ill be up there May-2019.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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