Caribou Gear

Political Party Questions


Dec 17, 2000
Bountiful, Utah
OK, if someone feels this should be in teh SI section, feel free to move it, I just want it in here to get more views.

I have been active in politics/government since my time at LSU. I have always been registered Republican - mainly because their platform, etc. went along pretty much with mine. Lately however, I have found that I am more conservative than the Republican Party, and that gap is constantly growing rather than shrinking.

My question is this - what parties are out there, that are national parties, that are more conservative than the Republican Party? I have looked a bit at the COnstitution Party (briefly), but this is a new search for me so I haven't seen too much that is out there.

Also, what are some of the strangest political parties that you guys have seen? I know there are some out there, so I want some stories.
TIm- Here (showing my age again) are a couple that I remember...don't know if they are still active or national but do remember them bieng strange!



Saw members of both when flying into Portland during election primary seson a "few" years back....
What does "more conservative" mean as it refers to you and the GOP? Do you mean "more FISCALLY conservative" in that you can't understand why the GOP continues to mortgage our children's future with outrageous deficit spending?

Or, do you mean "more MORALLY conservative", where you think the GOP government should regulate and intrude upon people's private lives?

Or do you mean "more CONSTITUTIONALLY conservative" where you think the Bill of Rights should remain relevant and the GOP's Patriot Act has gutted the document our Founding Fathers crafted?

Or is there another "more _________ conservative" that you are looking at?
Jose - Yes to your questions. But also, you may mean this:

More fiscally conservative in that I want to keep my money, not give it to the more liberal groups who want to turn around and give it to other people because they are too lazy to get off their butt and go to work instead of sitting around the house having more kids and blaming everyone else for their problems. When did it become my problem that you spread your legs for some loser guy at 14, and continue to do it every year after that? When did it become my problem that I need to give people money who were RENTING or living off the government in New Orleans only so they can go back and continue to leach off the system. When did it become my problem that I have to tolerate criminals running across the border and getting every benefit that my ancestors fought for, and then complain because people like me want to hold them accountable for breaking the law.

More MORALLY conservative that the more liberal groups who believe that every special interest group can dictate when, where, and how I should be able to express my belief in God, not allah or a 'supreme being'. More morally conservative than someone telling me that my kids should lear how to use a codom in kindergarten and be forced to learn that it is OK for kids to learn about gay sex and safe sex, but can't teach them to exercise some self control and actually abstain from having sex until they are more mature and responsible to deal appropriately with the end result. More morally conservative than saying life began with the first organism, but a multi-celled, very complex and delicate fetus is not life. More morally conservative than groups telling me that marriage between a man and woman is not a sacred union, and that any tom dick and harry and joe and bill, etc. sohould get every single right given to me and my wife.

More contsitutionally conservative than someone saying the right to bear arms doesn't apply in today's world. More constitutionally conservative than people telling me that the Bill of Rights is a flexible document that changes meaning over time. More conservative than those who believe the constitution should be applied more liberally instead of following the guidelines stating that things not listed are goverened by the states. More constitutionally conservative than those who try and tell me I do not have the right to say bad things about any other person (other than white, heterosexual, working, Christian, God-fearing males), can't express my pride in my ancestor's and what they stood for, can't protect my family how I choose, and try and tell me that I am wrong for wanting to worship MY GOD when, where and how I want.

Yep, Jose, I kinda mean more conservative in most respects. Did I miss any?
Well said Tim, I suggest you use that as your platform and run for office.
I think there are about twenty million republicans that belive what you just said.
A-con: I am with ya bud. You start the campaign financing and once you get up to a couple million we will retreat to the caribbean and discuss the strategy. Isn't that the normal routine?

Of course, we can always retreat to the campaign HQ in Boise.