Please Read- Need A Little Help

Well, thanks everybody for the kind words here but again the real two heros in all this are Dan, for his service to all of us in the military, and clearly my wife for letting me basically drop everything for a month to help Dan out. Taking care of 4 kids while i'm out all the time is a pretty damn tough chore.

Dink.............three days left to find a bull.............You are correct. However, with the way things have played out for me over the last month, i figured i would just spend the last couple days of season, taking my 6 yr old boy out and hunt with him and my dad in the same exact area my Dad tought me to hunt. Didn't even expect to shoot anything but didn't really care either, my season has been as full as it can get........

Oh, and by the way, suprisingly enough, I've managed to get some shooting in the last two days and just finished cutting out my third tag for the year:hump:

And dad and son were there on the kills! Just friggin awesome weekend.

Pics to come soon;):D
Wow, that is awesome. If there is one person that could make this happen it is you, Critter. For those of you that are not as fortunate to know Matt as well as I do, this is a typical unselfish gesture that he (and his wife) would do, not only for individuals such as Dan, but for most anyone in their everyday lives. My family and I owe them many thanks over for everything they have done for us, as do many other families. Congratulations Dan on a great bull. I am very happy you were able to cross paths with Matt. As you are well aware, Matt is very relentless in his ways, and wasn't about to give in until you closed the hunting season with a success. God Bless...
Thanks again to all that helped out this season! Gotta post up one more topper for the year for Dan. Dan mentioned he thought it would be neat to be able to shoot a buffalo...I just so happened to have a buddy that could help us out with that :D And bammo, Dan gets to fill his freezer this winter with a fantastic bison, a dandy six point bull elk, and a dandy 5x6 whitetail buck.............Great Year Dan! I thank you for allowing me to be a part of it!


  • Dan Buffalo 2 small.jpg
    Dan Buffalo 2 small.jpg
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Man those buffalo are BIG! Dan is gonna need more than a normal household freezer to hold this year's bounty, lots of good eating. Congratulations to everyone involved!!!
Congrats to Dan for a truly fantastic hunting season. May your life continue to be blessed.

Matt ... what can I say? No words can express what you have contributed to the quality of life for this young man. May the pay-it-forwards and the payback blessings come to you and yours for years to come. Thanks for stepping up to such an high and selfless level.
Congrats to Dan. May his dreams be the best. I have know idea what this would mean to me if I were in his shoes.

Matt Thank you for your devotion to him and the animals. May the blessings reach you at a time of need.
Geesh Matt, that is an awesome story. It unfolded in a near perfect way. Thanks to you for dedicating so much time...and congrats to Dan for making that dream come true... and good Luck Dan!!
Tell Dan that I might send the kids over this winter if we run low on meat.;) He's gonna need 3 freezers for all that. What a great year Dan! Battle on Buddy.
He is definately gonna have a nice euro collection after this season!

Although there are a significant amount of people needing to be thanked for their help, I want people here to know that the RMEF was a great contributer to the success of Dan's elk. The RMEF has done many great things as an organization over the years but the fact that they contacted me (thanks Fin) to offer any help and support they could in making this thing happen for Dan, goes a long way with me. I'm thanking David Allen and Steve Decker as two of the guys who really were involved with making this a great season for Dan.

My contribution of $35 to the RMEF for this year is nothing compared to the time and offers they generously gave. Thanks guys!!
YES !!!!The best live hunt for sure, thanks for sharing it Matt ,and thank you Dan for your service to our great country our thoughts and prayers are with you and family.GOD BLESS!!!
Congrats to Dan on some great animals and a awesome year of hunting. Critter, you did real good man.