Oddities Afield


Aug 23, 2013
Beartooths, Montana
Not sure if a thread like this has been started here before, but I thought it might be interesting. We've all seen odd, strange, really cool, or unexplainable things while outdoors. Show your two-headed elk, Flathead monsters, crazy encounters or any other pictures or stories you have that fit the bill.

I'll start with this picture of a snapping turtle waiting to get smashed in the middle of the road. I almost collided with this giant coming around the corner of a winding road in western MN lakes country. I know that they aren't uncommon by any means, but you can't argue the nasty of these turtles. This was my first up close look at these critters. I was amazed at the "prehistoric" qualities these things have. Some people say they are delicious, but I've yet to try one on my palate.


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Sounds like a good topic to me. I would like to see some of you alls picks. I don't have anything good to share at this point but do remember my dad bringing home a big snaper years ago that had his shell cracked after being ran over.
I've been stopped by the Border Patrol and stopped and hassled by ICE quite a few times.

Seen long lines of illegals in the San Diego back country. (not my photo but you get the point):


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Great thread idea. Seems like most of the oddities I come across in the field are found in remote desert locations. I've found stolen trucks, artifacts and even an old native woman sitting next to a vacuum cleaner on the side of a remote two track road in the middle of freaking no-where. Here are some of the oddities I actually photographed.

Desert Skeleton

SE AK Booner


Oryx deadhead.

And a desert dweller. These guys are pretty common in the early mornings, but disappear in the heat of the day. Hunting oryx in 100+ degree temps is brutal

And, I found this sign in the middle of no-where. I figured it blew off of a taco cart somewhere. My wife wouldn't let me keep it...
Brother comes out from Seattle each August for a week of camping, fishing, etc. This tree caught our eye......as often as he still talks about it, I considered going back up, cutting it out and taking it up to him next time I head that way. I think he has been divorced and single a little too long.


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Nothing that can't be explained...Old placer mining channels in a Northern CA wilderness, a homemade "grave" marker miles from a road in NE WY made me pause and think.
I killed a gobbler a few years ago with a club foot and no spurs. Other than that, he seemed totally normal... and delicious :D



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I found a mylar balloon in the eastern shadow of the Beaverhead Range in a spot that was an oddity in itself where there was a confluence of several streams and no one would likely be setting foot there ever again. There was contact info on the balloon and it was launched from Salem, OR and traveled over 600 miles and over the 10,000ft peaks of the continental divide.

I exchanged a few texts with the lady that sent it and told her I was turning her in for littering.
I thought this old car out in the middle of the Beartooth Plateau was an oddity. Especially since there wasn't even a trace of the old road that used to be there. I thought there would be enough interest to find something about it via google, but I didn't have any luck.

Not an oddity but still different. We were trying to catch a rat.


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I thought this old car out in the middle of the Beartooth Plateau was an oddity. Especially since there wasn't even a trace of the old road that used to be there. I thought there would be enough interest to find something about it via google, but I didn't have any luck.


There is an old car or 2 I think south of Red Lodge in the forest that I used wonder "How the heck did that get here?" when I was younger. This is kind of cool!
I have not really came across any man made oddities aside from some cars in the forest in the Beartooths. I have came across what looked like a dumping ground for bones in the middle of a big berry patch and some dead heads close by. Probably the most butt puckered moment I have ever had knowing that somewhere close was most likely what had been killing them and the guy I was hunting with decided he needed to take off most of his clothes before the hike up the hill.
This last elk season I stumbled on two intact smokejumper parachutes here in Colorado. They were marked "Boise Hotshots". They were rolled up and stashed away in the brush. I kick myself for not bring one out, it is red, white and blue. It'd make a cool summer shade in the backyard. Maybe I'll go fetch it in the spring.

I've found a couple old cars, including an incredibly intact '55 Bel Air out on the South Dakota prairie (public land). My dogs and I were trying to find a dead bird in a tumble weed choked gulch when we stumbled on it. You had to be within 10 yards to see it.

Found a bunch of other firefighting equipment. Boots, MRE's, fuel, water, chainsaws (seized).

I also know of a Navajo sheep herder that found a camp complete with tent, pad, bag, stove, spotting scope, food, and reading material. He claimed it as his.
ERSS, I don't think anybody can tip that. That's one for the ages.

I once saw two people in a water trough paddling down a river. It was before cell phones though so no pictures. They didn't look like the type that wanted to tell a funny story so I just pretended like it was no big deal as they went on by.
Back in the late 60's I found a Nabisco Delivery wagon, the Old curved roof type. The inside was in real good shape and I used to go to it when it rained when I was chasing squirrels. It was off the chassis surrounded by huge pine and oaks. Always wondered what happened to it. John
Really enjoying these pics and stories guys, thanks!

My neighbor once had a yearling deer get trapped in their cattle corrals. They ran it through the chute and tagged it with a cattle ear tag. The tag was marked "FRED" named after another nearby farmer who only allowed his rich out of staters to hunt on his land. Several years later, one of Fred's hunters killed "FRED". I wish we could have seen Fred's face.
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Was hunting up a ridge on the Idaho side of the Beaverheads and all the way up the ridge, every hundred yards or so there was a sign nailed to a tree that had been painted black and hit several times with an axe. While taking a break and leaning against a tree, I found this one, covered with pine needles and dirt. This area was right in the middle of unit 30A, and after a little research, I have never been able to find any documentation about this area having ever been a game preserve or closed to hunting..........kinda weird.


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