Caribou Gear Tarp

Octupulate Mother.....


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
What are your thoughts on this POS.
You already know mine. Take the kids away, send them to foster parents who deserve them and can afford them, sue the doctor for malpractice and child support, and throw her in jail or at least in a psycho ward
schmalts, I think the doctor should be in jail also. Who paid the doctor for this medicade? Or is that why she is $20k back in mortage payments? 20K and she still lives in the house? I know people that are 4-5 months behind that have been evicted and are living with friends/family.
Just a prediction.... They will find out the doctor is the father. she is keeping it secret so far who the sperm donar was. I bet she spit in a petrie dish if you know what I mean
The doc needs to lose his license, what kind of doc implants 8 ( at least 8 ) into an already unemployed single mother of 6? For his next surgery, he better sew on 6 more nipples
I saw her before and after pix last night and she looked like my dog walking backwards before her plastic surgery. You can poke her good and think all is great but you will still be pokin' a butt ugly Iraqi bitch and after dropping 14 kids my bet is it's not exactly a tight ride. You pork it, you own it.