Caribou Gear

NoDak Muley 2013


Active member
Dec 23, 2010
Got lucky in NoDak. Not a high scorer, but I like big 3 points.

Uffda. Not sure what I find more impressive, a really big 3-point muley, a huge 4X4 whitetail, or a lunker 5-point bull elk with big whale tails. Shooting that buck is a no-brainer.

Congrats on your success.
Great buck, congrats. There is something I really like about a big 3 point muley with the forks in the back.
The NoDak hunt
Went over for a few days after the rush of opening weekend with the hopes relocating a very large 2 point with brow tines that I seen a couple times while bow hunting in Sept.
On the 3rd day, when I was moving from one lookout to another I bumped into this 3 point and after a very quick decision I had to take him. No time to range him, just judge and crank the scope and pull the trigger. Sometimes the adjustable scopes aren't the best thing. Used a Cooper Model 22 in 6.5 x 284.
He was a good one to get out of the gene pool. That was what I wanted to do with the big 2 point. Hung around a couple days checking out the next years bucks and never did see the 2 point. Did find some good ones for next year.
wyo, working on the pics. will get some good ones when this buck get back from the beetle guy.