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No AZ elk draw but getting closer

Looks great!
I wish AZ would offer land owner tags, but then again, if they did it would be sorta like Colorado and only people willing to pay the big money for the tags could afford them and hurt the draw. On the other hand I have did well on several of the less expensive Colorado land owner tags. But truth is when I bought land owner tags and killed an elk or mule deer that the land owner did not expect to see on the property the price has always doubled the next season. In three cases, I purchased land owner tags on property that joined public. Well, the rancher never saw that elk or deer on his property, but when the surrounding public ground gets hit that hard the critters move out and into some of the rougher parts of the private ground.
Then I spent time hunting parts of the landowners place that they don’t visit and usually joins public ground. Unfortunately when you find that deal landowner tag and do tag a brute, well the price doubles the next season. Sort of a win one lose one. I know some great ground out of Silt , Colorado where I could get tags for a few hundred and access. The owner had nice 160 to 170 class bucks and 300 elk coming into his fields to graze daily. But nothing like the 363 bull I killed in far back part of his property 30 yards on his property line from public ground. The first season I guess he knew it was a fluke as clearly the bull came from public. The next season I got a good deal on mule deer and did the same on a nice 190 buck. Not 100 yards from the same nasty canyon I got the bull. Now he is getting 4 times what I paid for tags on his property. Man, I really have to think about the land owner tag as once the land owner figures out that the big boys on adjoining public will come on his place when pushed out of public, the price goes up. Checking out several operations that put you in contact with landowner tags is almost like shopping. You pay big bucks for land that has potential or is know to have big bulls or bucks. Saw one landowner tag for 8 grand. Too steep for my blood but the guy has some monsters on his place and the landowner a mile away has tags for 500? Don’t get me wrong, when you miss or don’t draw and landowner tags are the only option I guess you have to pay to play sorta speak. I guess as my grand dad said, once you had only ask permission, but once ranchers start charging folks than only folks with a big bank account will be able to hunt certain areas while others wait to draw. I saw one landowner tag on a well known hunting site go for 10 grand. Man 10 grand for a tag? I think I will go to Canada and let my points build. Just my 2 cents. What’s y’all’s take on this?
Everyone has their own opinion, obviously. I prefer the current setup I’m AZ. You’re fighting overpopulation, to an extent. Every ~15 years now you add something like a billion people to the planet, or something to that effect. If you cut the population by 50 percent it would be close to the population of 1970, IIRC.

to me, personally, land owner tags are a slope towards the stereotypical view That so much of the general populace has of hunters, that is of the rich old white man trophy hunter. So many of us could not afford to pay for landowner tags if the prices kept rising based off supply, demand and greed. Leaving the remainder of us to hunt but maybe once a decade, whereas the well off can hunt every year, adding to the privileges of being rich. But that’s merely my personal perception.

so IMHO a hunting ability that equates to privilege, thanks but no thanks, you (the universal you) can stay on our level and be patient. I grew up hunting as much as my family wanted or needed. Caribou, musk ox, etc. want meat this weekend? Let’s go get a caribou, etc. to now, where as an AZ resident I have waited the better part of a decade for a mediocre elk tag. I don’t mind that, knowing it’s a consequence of many things, different area, huge increase in population, and game management etc.
That is exactly what I was figuring on the topic as a whole. I know the opening I wish AZ would offer land owner tags would grab attention. But I confess what you say is exactly what I figured and have experienced. As my experience with land owner tags is he with the most money gets the tags. I do put in for certain States that have the lotto or drawing for tags . And if I see an affordable land owner tag in an area I know is good I will pick it up if reasonable. But I put in every year for the areas I want in certain States and wait till my time comes.
Hell putting in for draws hurts. But in States where I don’t get back the license fee like AZ, I can go lion hinting or chase bear.
Thanks for validating what I sorta figured.
AZ manages for both opportunity and quality depending on the unit which is nice. I'm in-state so I don't get hit on the license but you can always hunt OTC archery deer with an early and late season depending on the unit.
Keep putting for the Kanab. Just saw they opened for the deer draw. Since Cuz is outfitting Lion and Bear figure might as well put a trip together. He is tight with a long time outfitter and that is who I am taking on the gator hunt. His son loves swamp people so I have 4 tags in the refuge area and big Ronnie from the show setting it up. In return when I draw he is going to get me on a bulk.
We don't want Landowner tags in AZ. They are a joke. 10K and half the Guys shoot what we call rag horns. 95% of people call em trophy's . Thats like outfitting on Private in Wyoming, Dang them guys are proud of their rags. We have the Best system in the West, leave it alone.................BOB!
Look folks was not trying to start a shooting war. I guess the first statement of AZ having landowner tags to catch attention is where folks stopped reading. My point is totally opposite and went further to explain my personal issues with land owner tags. Like I said at the end as my grand paw said once it gets to that point only rich folks will be able to afford to hunt.
Colorado proved this to me. All I had to do was kill a monster that came off of public ground and as we say, the price of poke just went up. Again this is year 5 on points and the Kaibab awaits
Just found out AZ deer draw open online. The area I am looking at has some great mule deer. Then if that don’t work can get a Coues bow tag on left overs. Going to be out running bear and lion so might as well make it a full trip.
Sadly the deer are all yours. My wife hates deer meat, and it takes me a while to eat the whole deer myself. So I rarely hunt deer anymore. Thankfully she loves elk.
Landowner tags in Az.NO! Canada is perfect for ya'all...
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