Nikwax or Atsko for waterproofing Jacket?


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2014
New Orleans, La.
I have a Browning Hydro-Fleece Quad Parka, and would like to re apply a waterproofing spray. I have seen several advertised, the Atsko and the Nikwax. Has anyone used either, or can you recommend something else?
I've had really good luck with all the Nikwax products for maintaining goretex or similar gear. I buy the waterproofer and waterproof detergent and run all the garments at once one time a year since its $20 for the wash and rewaterproof for one load of laundry. Some people prefer the spray versus the wash in stuff.
I've used Nikwax quite a bit. But I've only used the spray ons. They have worked ok, not great, but decent. 2-3 treatments per season usually does the trick.

I would try their detergents though.